Work Completed
- MAEviz
- Started on wiki page documenting the step by step creation of a new analysis. This is about 50% done. MAE-1124
- Met with Rob, Luigi & Jong via google video chat to discuss eAIRS/KISTI workflow structure and how we can capture this with either the current bean structure or new beans to track provenance. There will be a follow-up meeting this week since it looks like Cyberintegrator/DSE could be a good fit for our problem.
- Looked a BlobBean, a suggested bean type that could allow us to associate more than 1 blob with a bean.
- Started working on wiki page that lays out the eAIRS problem in more detail for the Wednesday meeting to make sure everyone understands our needs so we can determine if DSE/Cyberintegrator will be a good technology fit for our project. I will continue to work on this for the coming meeting so the problem scope is clear.
- Briefly went through KISTI's eAIRS UI Mockup. I will continue this before Wednesday's meeting so we can discuss the UI and required tasks.
- Cyberintegrator
- Added more comments to Cyberintegrator UI review
- Added a comment to CBI-111 (improve Info view) about including more workflow information. It wasn't clear what Luigi was information he was referring to so I asked for clarification. I have added more info for datasets and tools (e.g. created by, date, etc), but I don't see what else can be displayed for workflows.
- Worked on CBI-101, I added delete handlers for datasets, workflows and tools. I am still testing everything to make sure all views are in sync after a tool/dataset/workflow gets deleted.
- Resolved/Closed CBI-126, password in context login is visible. This does not appear to be relevant. The login screen does not display the password field.
- Medici
- Added a comment to Medici UI review. If an image preview is not created (e.g. an image was ingested using a different tool), there is no way to view the image information inside Medici (e.g. InfoView) because it expects there to be a preview available.
Work Planned
- MAEviz - add wiki page that documents how to create a new MAEviz analysis step by step
- KISTI - Meet with Rob and Luigi to discuss using/creating Tupelo beans to capture provenance for KISTI workflows
- Cyberintegrator/Medici
- Work on Cyberintegrator issues, including CBI-111 (improve info view) and CBI-101 (allow to delete tool/data/step/workflow).
- Continue working on CBI UI review
This week went as planned. Next week (week of May 2nd) I will be visiting Champaign all day Wednesday.