This page acts as a folder to contain all of the teaching materials developed by the CyberGIS Fellows.
Bev Wilson and Shakil Bin Kashem
Britta Ricker and Jim Thatcher
Chuanrong Zhang
CyberGIS Center
Eric Shook
- Assignments - Shook
- Module 0 - What is CyberGIS
- Module 1 - Intro to Command Line and CyperInfrastructure
- Module 1 - Python Fundamentals
- Module 2 - Parallel Cartographic Modeling Language
- Module 2 - Parallel Programming and Big Spatial Data
- Practices
Jie Tian
Mark McKenney
Qunying Huang
Terry Slocum and Xingong Li
- Module 1 - General Course Information
- Module 2 - Intro to Maps and the Internet
- Module 3 - Peterson, Chapters 3 and 4
- Module 4 - Peterson, Chapters 5 and 6, Online Street Map
- Module 5 - Cartographic Foundation
- Module 6 - Intro to Javascript Programming
- Module 7 - Introducing Map Mashups
- Module 8 - Point Data and Methods for Symbolizing Point Data
- Module 9 - Line and Area Mashups
- Module 10 - Animated Mapping
- Module 11 - Leaflet, MySQL, and PHP
- Module 12 - Final Project
- Module 13 - Course Reflections
Wenwen Li
- Lectures - Introduction to Service-Oriented CyberGIScience
- Course Introduction - Wenwen Li
- CyberGIS - Wenwen Li
- Geospatial Metadata
- Geospatial Interoperability
- Big Data Access
- Distributed Geospatial Information Processing
- Client-server Communication
- Partitioning & Divide and Conquer Strategies
- Progressive Transmission of Spatial Data
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Geoserver
- Javascript
- OpenLayers