Blog from June, 2011

Work Completed

    • Talked with Rob to get ideas on how to proceed with getting Trebuchet to run as a command line tool in Cyberintegrator and outputing what the next step in the workflow needs
    • Finished first version of Trebuchet as a command line tool to stage files to HPC. There is still work remaining to get each users certificate to the machine that runs the Trebuchet tool. The next step is to discuss whether ptpflow should be a Java tool or a special Cyberintegrator tool. I will need to discuss this with Rob and Jong.
    • The KISTI RMI service is up and needs to be tested. I did not get to this.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Added issue CBI-378. We need more preview types to cover more dataset types. I also made it so that if no preview was found, it would default to the "Default Preview" which displays a "no preview found" image and the basic dataset information (date, author, etc).
    • Added issue CBI-377. It would be helpful if the popup dialogs for the command line options page could indicate what is required and what is optional, if possible. Certain fields seem to be required since without them, the OK button will not enable.
    • Looked into issue CBI-159. I could not reproduce the bug where adding/removing inputs/outputs/parameters caused a UI glitch. I commented on the issue looking for more information, possibly steps to reproduce.
    • Worked on CBI-28. I added a busy indicator to the import process.
    • Tested ContextServer GUI application, no issues setting up a new context, connecting and uploading data.
  • Medici
    • Attended Monday staff meeting via skype
    • Updated user guides with information about each perspective and links to pages that discuss each view. I need to add screenshots and the information about each view (currently just empty placeholder pages).
    • Found and fixed MMDB-1178. Desktop search view did not handle being disconnected properly, it still made an attempt to search.
    • Found and fixed MMDB-1179. MyDatasets view displayed a popup menu even when nothing is or can be selected. The declarative code for when to display the menus was not correct.

Work Planned

    • Continue working on eAIRS workflow, including Trebuchet as a command line tool to stage files.
    • Open Jira entries to track design and implementation work that needs to be done for each tool.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Continue working on Cyberintegrator Jira issues
  • Medici
    • Attend 10am Staff meeting June 20th
    • Continue working on User guides and debugging Desktop application


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Friday June 24, 2011

Work Completed

  • General
    • Drove to Champaign on June 13th and attended Medici, KISTI, Tupelo meetings and a proposal discussion.
  • MAEviz
    • Reviewed requirements document for MAEviz that was received from Syner-G. I provided comments on existing modules that met their requirements and those that would need to be new features.
    • Tested Kisti RMI server. Jong and I are currently (mostly Jong) debugging our connection to it.
    • Continued looking at using Trebuchet as a command line tool. I talked with Rob and believe I can make more progress on this after discussing some design issues.
    • Started opening Jira issues to track work for the project now that we have an architecture plan to move forward with.
  • Medici
    • Worked on welcome page bug, MMDB-1176. Welcome page would not display using Ubuntu 11.04. Mac and Windows were fine. I changed the welcome page from xhtml files to xml files using the Eclipse universal welcome page. This is a cleaner implementation (with a Go to Workbench button that our original page did not have), and it will allow use to link to individual wiki pages for additional help. If this is satisfactory, then I will add links to additional help on the wiki (user guides) and close this issue.
    • Continued working on the Desktop User guide on the wiki. Some of these pages or at least the main wiki page will be linked to in the new Welcome Screen.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Started looking at CBI-159, a bug with the external executor GUI page not updating correctly. I am trying to reproduce this bug so I can fix the issue.
    • ContextServer GUI is now ready for testing. I will test it this week so users can start using it to setup new Contexts.

Work Planned

  • General
    • Visit Champaign on Monday June 13 to meet and discuss projects
  • Medici
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Continue working on CI issues and recommending UI improvements on the wiki page


This week went as planned. The all day meeting in Champaign and MAEviz work took away some time from my other projects. I took half a personal day on Tuesday afternoon to deal with some house issues that came up.

Work Completed

    • Worked on reviewing interfaces for Cyberintegrator tools and trying to convert Trebuchet to a CI tool. I'm partway through this process (I took an unintended personal day Friday the 10th to deal with house stuff). We will need a mechanism to get a valid certificate to the location running the tool and refresh the certificate if it is required (e.g. long queued job).
  • Cyberintegrator
    • none
  • Medici
    • Attended Monday 10am staff meeting via skype
    • Created a VM and went through the installation process of a Medici 1.1 Repository, added images/tags/comments/users/etc and upgraded to 1.2 to document what breaks. While the anonymous role and user get added, they are inactive. When activated, the server still does not use the role until you reset all roles to default which clears out all defined roles for users and sets all users inactive.
    • Created a wiki page outlining the upgrade process steps including where to put your google key since there is a file that gets read for the key (previously this was inserted into the html file). I also noted that the upgrade process is still being debugged so it is a use at your own risk. It will need to be updated with the links to the 1.2 release files (currently pointing at latest build) once the build is finalized.

      Work Planned

    • Review how to implement a Cyberintegrator tool so it can recognize the tool in the jar file. We need to run Trebuchet as a gridftp tool that can stage files to an HPC.
  • Cyberintegrator
  • Medici
    • Attend Monday staff meeting
    • Go through the Medici server upgrade process from 1.1 to 1.2 to determine upgrade issues that need to be resolved
    • Start documenting desktop and repository guides.


I took a personal day on Friday June 10th. I will be visiting Champaign on June 13th to attend several meetings on my various projects.

Work Completed

    • Continued working on getting PTPFlow to run in Cyberintegrator and pulling results back to a local tupelo instance. Running everything locally works so the next steps will be to run on a cyberintegrator server that stores results back to a specified context instead of locally run context.
    • Met with Jong Wednesday evening to briefly discuss KISTI project
    • Worked on creating GridFTP as a tool for Cyberintegrator. This is still in progress. I was looking on the globus website learning how to create GridFTP as a tool=
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Worked on and resolved CBI-326, preview screen should show something. If a dataset did not have a supported preview, nothing would show up in the info view, not even the metadata for the object. I added a DefaultView for unknown type that displays a generic preview (tooltip says preview not found). The basic metadata (date, creator, etc) gets displayed.
    • Worked on and resolved CBI-376, Login dialog should indicate that it is loggin in. There is a small delay (sometimes longer depending on internet connection) when connecting to a context and the UI would hang with no indication about what is going on. I've added a busy indicator to show that something is happening after pressing the login button.
    • Started looking at CBI-289, adding a KML viewer to Cyberintegrator to determine if it's feasible in the time remaining on the project and adds enough value over other bugs/features. One possibility is to use Nasa Worldwind to provide a KML viewer.
  • Medici
    • MMDB-1174, Login dialog should indicate that it is loggin in. There is a small delay (sometimes longer depending on internet connection) when connecting to a context and the UI would hang with no indication about what is going on. I've added a busy indicator to show that something is happening after pressing the login button. The same fix that was applied to cyberintegrator was applied to Medici since they share similar login code for the desktop.
    • My remaining issues for 1.2 are user guides and any bugs that come up when the desktop client is tested.

Work Planned

    • Meet with Jong Wednesday to discuss KISTI project progress
    • Continue working on breaking out eAIRS PTPFlow workflow into tools that can be run with cyberintegrator
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Continue working on Cyberintegrator Jira issues & documenting UI suggestions
  • Medici
    • Work on remaining 1.2 issues


This week went as planned. Monday May 30, 2011 was a holiday so this was a short week.