Work Completed
- MAEviz
- Answered questions from the Synergy project about the MAEviz attenuations
- Reviewed RESTlet wiki pages ( and worked through short tutorials. I also started reading a book I have on RESTful Web Services to get a better understanding of REST.
- Met with Jong using google chat to discuss the KISTI project.
- Cyberintegrator
- Opened and Resolved CBI-367 - Remove unnecessary wizard contributions that allowed users to create contexts in Cyberintegrator, this should all happen through the Context Server or elsewhere.
- Opened CBI-368 - it could be useful to add a refresh action to the Context View in Cyberintegrator so users can pull updates.
- Created a cquery for the ContextServer so they can be added to Jenkins for continuous build.
- Continued testing Cyberintegrator using the new ContextServer provided context and updating areas that were still listening for ContextBeanUtil to send update events.
- Medici
- Fixed MMDB-1041 - Gallery Widget display code. I could not exactly reproduce the issue described (out of bounds), but there was an issue with refreshing the view properly after disconnecting from a context and the paged list relied on object equals to remove items. There were cases where object equals failed on two equal objects. I changed this to check URIs for equality.
- General testing of Medici Desktop.
Work Planned
- Review architecture of RESTlet and work through some short tutorials
- Meet with Jong to discuss KISTI project
- Cyberintegrator/Medici
- Create cquery files for ContextServer GUI/Headless so they can be added to the continuous build
- Continue working on Cyberintegrator issues in Jira and testing the new ContextServer provided context.
- Finish any remaining Medici desktop bugs
- Test Medici Desktop for release.
This week went as planned. I took half a personal day on Friday April 15th.