Content Tools
Work Completed
- MAEviz
- Went through my MAEviz archives and sent Jong some presentation material on MAEviz temporary housing that he requested.
- Met with Jong to discuss KISTI project
- Created a wiki page outlining the eAIRS workflow and a possible bean structure to capture the workflow information with Tupelo. We intend to meet with Rob/Luigi to discuss this and get their insight into capturing a PTPFlow workflow with a set of beans and see if my bean structure is reasonable.
- Continued working with RESTlet. I have a semi-functioning RESTlet version of Medici's upload blob servlet. I am using that servlet to restlet conversion to gain a better understanding of how RESTlet works.
- Cyberintegrator
- Resolved CBI-369, adding missing icons for views and actions
- Resolved CBI-368, add refresh commands for views
- Resolved CBI-363, CBI-365. CBI-363 involved users logging in from within the cyberintegrator and CBI-365 was a sub-task where context listener support needed to be added to the Workflow class and used everywhere ContextBeanUtil was used to listen for context updates. All views should now be getting context update events from the Workflow class.
- Worked on CBI-362, checking for null values when a Context isn't connected (ToolGraphView was not expecting null values).
- Worked on CBI-111, improving Info view workflow description. I updated this view to show more information similar to the Medici Info view. There is still some tweaking to be done.
- Resolved CBI-109, moved the annotations view to the bottom tabbed pane so as not to confuse it with the Annotation tab located in the Info view.
- Medici
- Resolved MMDB-1156, collection info page had a few gray-background labels on a white background (toolkit.createLabel was not being used).
Work Planned
- Meet with Jong to discuss project
- Create wiki page describing eAIRS workflow and possible tupelo bean structure for review
- Continue working with RESTlet to understand designing RESTlets.
- Cyberintegrator/Medici
- Work on Cyberintegrator UI Review
- Work on Jira issues for Cyberintegrator, specifically improving the Info view (CBI-111), adding icons for views/commands and adding refresh options for views that might need to pull updates.
- Work on last remaining issues for Medici and test to find bugs.
This week went as planned.
Work Completed
- MAEviz
- Answered questions from the Synergy project about the MAEviz attenuations
- Reviewed RESTlet wiki pages ( and worked through short tutorials. I also started reading a book I have on RESTful Web Services to get a better understanding of REST.
- Met with Jong using google chat to discuss the KISTI project.
- Cyberintegrator
- Opened and Resolved CBI-367 - Remove unnecessary wizard contributions that allowed users to create contexts in Cyberintegrator, this should all happen through the Context Server or elsewhere.
- Opened CBI-368 - it could be useful to add a refresh action to the Context View in Cyberintegrator so users can pull updates.
- Created a cquery for the ContextServer so they can be added to Jenkins for continuous build.
- Continued testing Cyberintegrator using the new ContextServer provided context and updating areas that were still listening for ContextBeanUtil to send update events.
- Medici
- Fixed MMDB-1041 - Gallery Widget display code. I could not exactly reproduce the issue described (out of bounds), but there was an issue with refreshing the view properly after disconnecting from a context and the paged list relied on object equals to remove items. There were cases where object equals failed on two equal objects. I changed this to check URIs for equality.
- General testing of Medici Desktop.
Work Planned
- Review architecture of RESTlet and work through some short tutorials
- Meet with Jong to discuss KISTI project
- Cyberintegrator/Medici
- Create cquery files for ContextServer GUI/Headless so they can be added to the continuous build
- Continue working on Cyberintegrator issues in Jira and testing the new ContextServer provided context.
- Finish any remaining Medici desktop bugs
- Test Medici Desktop for release.
This week went as planned. I took half a personal day on Friday April 15th.
Work Completed
- Prepared document that isolated the PTPFlow RMI Client calls in the desktop client that will need to be provided by the REST API, Jong then drew up a draft REST API and I added some comments.
- Worked on the tupelo bean views for the KISTI Desktop client and resolved bugs for a brief demonstration of new capabilities
- Cyberintegrator
- Worked through issues getting the Context Server to build with Buckminster (with Rob's help). The next step should be getting this part of the Jenkins automated build process.
- Resolved CBI-366, data ingest problems. I added error dialogs to better inform users when operations could not be performed (e.g. no context is connected to) and updated dataset import pages to do the same.
- Worked on CBI-365, add context listener support to the Workflow singleton. ContextBeanUtil was passing events to views and this now should be handled by the Workflow class so views get updated when context events get fired. I still need to check to make sure all views that were listening to events from ContextBeanUtil are updated.
- Worked on CBI-363 and issues related to connecting and disconnecting from contexts and updating the application status line. This should be nearly finished.
- Medici
- Attended staff meeting and assigned remaining 1.2 desktop issues to myself
- Resolved MMDB-845/MMDB-869, removing views that were no longer required or useful. The last remaining view was the ContextDebugView which I used view filters to remove without modifying any code.
- Resolved MMDB-1139, new tags no longer displayed in tag view. I updated the tagging code to use the TagEventBeanUtil to add tags.
- Resolved MMDB-1140, duplicate comments in comment view until a refresh. This is fixed and had to do with async update calls.
- Resolved MMDB-1141, multiple error popups when disconnecting from a server. This is fixed.
Work Planned
- Document PTPFlow RMI Client APIs that will need to be part of the REST API so Jong can start working on a draft of the REST API.
- Prepare desktop client demonstration for KISTI visit that demonstrates the progress to date replacing framework pieces with tupelo beans.
- Cyberintegrator/Medici
- 10am Staff meeting on April 4th
- Work on assigned Medici issues for the 1.2 release
- Work on building the ContextServer with Buckminster
- Work on issues related to Cyberintegrator using the ContextServer instead of ContextBeanUtil to provide the tupelo context.
This week went as planned. 1 Medici bug remains and should be fixed on April 11th.
Work Completed
- MAEviz
- Answered questions about MAEviz analysis plug-ins that the University of West Indies people had
- Tested MAEviz client with the server after it was moved by Rob to make sure clients could still obtain HAZUS data and the region of interest, all tests passed.
- Requested VM to support KISTI tupelo server, it now just needs to be configured with Tupelo.
- Updated KISTI wiki documentation and spec'd out some beans to fit our needs. Joe reviewed it and we need to do some more work before we can work on the ontology.
- CyberIntegrator
- Met with Terry et al to discuss my CI activities via skype, based on this discussion I will test ContextServer with Medici and finalize the ContextServer work so we can push out a new build of Cyberintegrator that uses the ContextServer.
- Worked on building the ContextServer. I found a problem with the Tupelo Jena plug-in build properties that caused a runtime problem for the Context Server. Rob checked in my fix and the ContextServer product files (Headless & GUI) now properly export and run. I also removed some unnecessary UI contributions by Eclipse to clean up the UI. The next step is to get Buckminster to build the ContextServer so we can add this to the Jenkins build server and get this built for use with Cyberintegrator. I have started this process and intend to finish it the week of April 8th. I still need to continue testing Cyberintegrator to complete the transition away from ContextBeanUtil. There is at least 1 or 2 minor issues where information that ContextBeanUtil provided need to be provided by the Workflow singleton.
- Medici
- Tested Medici with the ContextServer and found a few bugs with Medici. I worked on and resolved MMDB-1144, connection refused connecting to the context server. I also noticed that when changing context servers, there was the potential to throw error messages that a bean could not be found. This is because we save state with Medici. We should probably include additional information with the error messages to let users know that the problem is not really an issue if they are switching contexts. This might even show up if something gets deleted by another desktop client or in the web client between another users desktop sessions. I have filed the issue as MMDB-1145 as something we should look at.
- Worked on and Resolved MMDB-1080, after clicking on hyperlinked tag in desktop client the gallery view may not update properly. This is fixed.
- Added an improvement idea, MMDB-1146, login screen should remember multiple servers using a combo box. This would be useful when switching between contexts and not always having to re-enter server URLs.
Work Planned
- Update KISTI architecture documentation for version 2.0 so that we can get it reviewed and start working on the ontology
- Request VM to support KISTI tupelo server
- CyberIntegrator/Medici
- Meet with Terry, Joe & Rob to discuss my CI activities on March 23, 2011 at 2pm.
- Work on desktop issues for the 1.2 release.
- Work on the ContextServer and any issues Cyberintegrator has with it. Add the pieces to get Buckminster building these products.
This status report covers the week of March 25th and April 1st. I was on vacation March 28, 29 and 30th so I did not do a report for the week of the 25th as usual. These weeks went as planned. Some of this work that is unfinished will continue the week of April 8th.