Blog from October, 2010

Work Completed

  • Arrived in Champaign on Monday at 2pm, met with KISTI, presented KNSG tutorial, eAIRS, and hosted seminars on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Worked on KISTI Project. There was a new feature request that came out of the meeting and a software bug
    1. KNSG-100, allow users to create input files from within eAIRS application. This is nearly finished, the interface just needs to be tweaked.
    2. KNSG-101, for eAIRS, the mesh does not vary in the parameterized runs, only the input file. This is nearly fixed and just needs to be debugged.

Work Planned

  • Travel to Champaign Monday to meet with KISIT representatives (Dr. Nam and Dr. Moon) over the next 2 days (Tuesday/Wednesday)
  • Work on KISTI Project, continue wrapup


This week went as planned. Next week will be the final week on the first phase of the KISTI project, I will be finalizing the code and documentation.

Work Completed

  • Worked on and completed architecture documentation for KNSG Framework, this involved KNSG-87, documentation major classes and extension points. Some class documentation still remains, but the majority of the classes contain information on their use.
  • Finished Introduction to RCP Tutorial for Tuesday/Wednesday meeting with KISTI
  • Finished howto tutorial guide for creating new applications for the Tuesday/Wednesday meeting with KISTI
  • Jong notified me that KISTI would be visiting this week and not next week so we had to complete the tutorials and architecture documents quickly in time for their visit.

Work Planned

  • Work on documentation KNSG Framework classes
  • Finish architecture document
  • Start KNSG tutorial for creating new applications


I took a personal day on Monday October 11th. This week I had not planned on putting as much time into the tutorials as I did since we thought the KISTI meeting was the week of October 25th. I had only planned on starting the tutorials and putting more time into class documentation and architecture. Since the meeting is the week of October 17th, I had to quickly finish the tutorials.

Work Completed

    1. Resolved KNSG-96, an issue where the repository was allowing duplicate tags. This is fixed.
    2. Worked on KNSG-98, an issue involving moving some repeated code for the analysis wizards down to the base class. This is nearly finished (just needs documentation)
    3. Worked on KNSG-95, updating the user tutorial with the latest changes. I believe this is complete, it just needs to be gone through briefly to make sure all user interfaces match version 0.8's user interfaces.
    4. Continued documenting the major classes in the framework and updating the architecture tutorial. This work will continue next week.
    5. Started a tutorial on how a developer can create a new application with our framework. This work will continue next week.
    6. Met with Jong using google chat to discuss the latest KISTI project status.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI project Documentation


This week went as planned. Next week I will continue working on documentation and the tutorial that will be part of the KISTI visit. I took half of a personal day on Wednesday and Thursday.

Work Completed

  • KNSG
    1. Resolved KNSG-91, this issue involved automating the retrieval of results after the workflow finishes. Users can now simply right click on a finished workflow and select to retrieve results. The results are downloaded and added to their scenario. This issue took longer than anticipated due to instability in the scratch space on ABE, links to results would not always resolve properly (a known system issue). We made the decision to allow users to specify where the results should be placed (e.g. user-home) and made this part of the workflow.
    2. Resolved KNSG-93, this issue involved simplifying the User Interface for launching workflows. The user was asked to specify the gridftp URI to use for transferring the data. This was redundant since the user was already asked to specify the resource to run on and the resource's XML file contained the gridftp URI. This is now fixed.
    3. Resolved KNSG-94, this issues involved allowing users to delete multiple files from the repository or from their scenario. Initially only single file delete/remove was implemented.
    4. Built and tested version 0.8 of eAIRS.
    5. Released version 0.8 of eAIRS on Friday October 1, 2010 and updated the wiki with release details.
  • MAEviz
    1. Sent email to a SYNER-G user with instructions for accessing the MAEviz Subversion Repository. I also updated the MAEviz wiki with the correct instructions (the displayed link was correct, but the actual underlying hyperlink in the wiki was incorrect).
  • Filled out and returned to HR my Conflict of Interest form.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI and release version 0.8 of eAIRS on Friday October 1, 2010.


This week went as planned. Next week I will continue to work on documentation and tying up loose ends for the KISTI Project as the project wraps up.