This page will help you check that you have access to the systems needed, as well as a link to relevant training documents and other important information! 

NameDescriptionQuick Links
BA4BA4 is NCSA's financial shadow system. This tool allows us to break funds down into multiple activity codes, as well as reconcile the accounts locally, and provide more timely and descriptive data to our stakeholders.

Go to BA4

BA4 Manual

BannerBanner is the Campus financial system, Banner data is loaded into BA4 on a nightly basis.

Go to Banner

Banner Tips

TeamsBusiness Office Staff Teams channel where we share information with the entire business office team.

Go to Teams

MIS SavannahThe MIS Savannah Tool is a homegrown system that hosts workflows and other data for all users at NCSA. Each part of MIS is described in detail on the MIS Savannah Tools Page

Go to MIS

MIS Savannah Tools Training

My Research PortalIn the portal you can view proposal transmittals, pending  actions, units and investigators, and submissions.Go to myResearch Portal
iCardi-card Programs is a part of Treasury Operations, a part of University of Illinois System Offices. i-card Programs is responsible for managing and overseeing the provision of University Identification Numbers (UINs) and identification cards, mobile identity credentials, key fobs, and other physical and mobile tokens for all University of Illinois System locations.Go to iCard
Chrome RiverEmployee reimbursements are submitted through this campus system, reviewed and approved in this tool.

Go to Chrome River

DMIDivision of Information Management The Division of Management Information (DMI) is a service unit reporting to the Provost. We serve as the institutional research office of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Our goal is to assist administrators, faculty, and staff in obtaining timely, accurate, and appropriate information from the university's administrative databases.

Go to DMI

TableauVisualization tool for NCSA financials data.

Go to Tableau

iBuy/contracts+The campus system we use to make purchases, review and approve the purchase, generates the PO. Process contracts with external partners for services.

Go to Ibuy

Service Rate DatabaseThis system tracks all services across campus.

Go to Service Rate Database

NCSA Commitments Tracking ToolMIS tool created 2023 to track, approvals and report on all 100+ NCSA commitments both receivable and payable.  formally known as MOU's, MOU2 tool.

Go to CTT

VSLVacation Sick Leave use this tool in MIS to track, report and approve benefit time.

Go to VSL

My Financials

a view of all of the department funds where reports and dashboards are generated.

Go to Financials

Mobius View

Pull Monthly statements

Go to Mobius


Tech Services billing tool to pull information from system.

Go to Pinnacle

How to guide


SPaRC’Ed is the sponsored programs and research administration certification series for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. SPaRC’Ed is supported by the Sponsored Programs and Research Compliance (SPaRC) working group and the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation. SPaRC’Ed provides University of Illinois research administrators of all experience levels with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively administer sponsored programs and research activities across the full project lifecycle. The program will benefit the individual participant in his or her overall knowledge growth and professional development as well as provide added benefits to his or her unit through the ability to better serve faculty and researchers.

Go to SPaRC


2020 Audit findings

ICR Reports NP Institutes - monthly reports from budget office

NCSA Commitments - MOU's

Confidential MOU's - retention of faculty and staff.

Faculty Fellows 6-8 $25K awards annually to faculty to support students in their field of research.

2020 Audit findings

ICR Reports NP Institutes 

NCSA Commitments - MOU's

Confidential MOU's

Faculty Fellows

in Learning

Training platform free to staff.

Go to linked in


National Council of University Research Administrators founded in 1959, is an organization of individuals with professional interests in the administration of sponsored programs (research, education and training), primarily at colleges and universities.



Business Managers Group one staff member from each department is appointed to this group for monthly update meetings where information from across the campus units are shared.

Go to BMG

Unit Security Application

The application the USC uses to grant access to campus level systems, remove access and audit access, pull reports.

Business office Group Mail Boxes

Business office email alias - those on the budget committee. Matt, Richelle, Amy, Shawn, Mel, Angela - those on the commitments advisory group from across the center. - used for all of business office staff - used for all the staff who manage grants and business office leaders.

Go to Email Alias

Business office shared calendarNCSA-Finance

W-9The board of Trustees W-9

Go to W-9

PDO wikiNCSA Proposal Development Office information.

Go to PDO

Admin Support wikiHow to find the admin support for each group at NCSA.

Go to Admin Support

NCSA WikiThis space allows for groups and projects to create webpages custom to their needs 

NCSA WebpageThis space will provide you with information about NCSA, especially the directory.
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