Common Types of BA4 Transactions

We do these types of transactions on BA4 only if they do not generate from Banner. Some circumstances include updating budgets by activity code, or awarding internal funds from the Main State or ICR funds for CDDRs, or changing the activity code on a transaction. 

  • Amendment – correction of a prior transaction, like adjusting the Budget column 
  • Award – new, incoming funding/rollover funding, which affects the Budget column 
  • Direct Expense – BA4 equivalent of a JV, mainly done for activity code corrections, and affects the Expenditures column
  • Encumbrance – add plans for the money with no requisitions yet, is not automatically reduced when expenses hit. For expenses like travel, which we usually do not requisition

Process an Amendment

An amendment requires a net-zero transaction. Hence debits should equal credits.

  • From the BA Dashboard, click Transactions, then Amendments.

  • Click New Transaction 

  • The Add Transaction Record Form is shown below where you can choose Amendment from the Type/Form selection:

  • Fill in the form. Some guidelines for filling out the Add Transaction Record Form:
    • Reference – can be generated randomly by clicking the Next Available button, or you can put your own,
    • Trx Date – can back-date, but avoid doing so to a financial period that is already closed.
    • Description – short version describing the transaction
    • Notes – more information than the Description field. Explain why you are doing the transaction.
  • Click Save
  • Account – for Budgets - 109900

Example: Amending the budget for FY20 A60 PI ICR

  • Save a copy of the screenshot in PDF-TEM files as Reference number-Description.

Copy Amendment transaction

Assuming you have a similar transaction as above, you can copy the Amendment transaction:

  • Click Copy Transaction on the current amendment
  • A Copy Trx window will pop-up. Update the Reference Number, and choose the Copy Amounts? or Copy Payments? as needed:

Example: Copied Amendment to Correct the PI and Project ICR earnings for A60 and C94 from LSST Construction

  • Make sure to save a copy of this screenshot and any supporting documentation as a PDF in the PDF - TEM files folder to provide an audit trail and reasoning as to why we are doing the transaction.

Process an Award Transaction

When we do an award in BA4, this means either new funding is coming or carrying forward the ending balance into a new fiscal year. This transaction is not a net-zero transaction.

  • From the BA Dashboard, click Transactions, then Award.

  • The Add Transaction Record Form is shown below where you can choose Award from the Type/Form selection: 

  • Fill in the form. Some guidelines for filling out the Add Transaction Record Form:
    • Reference – can be generated randomly by clicking the Next Available button, or you can put your own,
    • Trx Date – can back-date, but avoid doing so to a financial period that is already closed.
    • Description – short version describing the transaction
    • Notes – more information than the Description field. Explain why you are doing the transaction.
  • Click Save

Example: Updating the CILogon FY21 Beginning budget balance by activity code

  • Make sure to save a copy of this screenshot and any supporting documentation as a PDF in the PDF - TEM files folder to provide an audit trail and reasoning as to why we are doing the transaction.

Process Direct Expense transaction

If we are doing a Direct Expense transaction, we usually put the invoice number as the reference, and then add a unique explanation as to why there was a mistake in the first place.

  • From the BA Dashboard, click Transactions, then Direct Expense

  • You can also start from the CFOP you are working on and select New Transaction

  • The Add Transaction Record Form is shown below where you can choose Direct Expense from the Type/Form selection:

  • Fill in the form. Some guidelines for filling out the Add Transaction Record Form:
    • Reference – can be generated randomly by clicking the Next Available button, or you can put your own,
    • Trx Date – can back-date, but avoid doing so to a financial period that is already closed.
    • Description – short version describing the transaction
    • Notes – more information than the Description field. Explain why you are doing the transaction.
  • Click Save

Example: Correcting the CILogon FY21 AWS transaction by activity code instead of just A01

  • Make sure to save a copy of this screenshot and any supporting documentation as a PDF in the PDF - TEM files folder to provide an audit trail and reasoning as to why we are doing the transaction.
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