Work Completed
- Worked on KNSG-107. I ran into issues with class loading between what Cyberintegrator had loaded and what was bundled in my PTPFlow tool. I finally narrowed it down to a difference between the commons logging in org.apache.commons from PTPFlow and the commons logging that comes bundled with Eclipse. org.apache.commons is mostly outdated and for all PTPFlow plugins relying on it for logging, this dependency can be safely removed. I intend to ask Al's permission to remove the depedendency on org.apache.commons since it is no longer needed. I got as far as running my PTPFlow tool as a CyberintegratorToolFile, which does not provide a Context to the tool. I am now working on Converting the tool to CyberintegratorToolTupelo (nearly finished) so we can get a certificate from an X509CertificateBean.
- Worked on KNSG-108. I got some feedback from Rob and I am working on integrating that feedback into the bean and it's utility class. This should be tested and finished soon.
- Worked on KNSG-109. Instead of using a command line tool where you could specify each parameter when adding the tool to Cyberintegrator (initial concept), I determined it would be easier to create a ModelParameter java tool where the UI would be auto-built by Cyberintegrator based on the class definition. The output of this tool is a parameter file. Everything is checked into svn at in the package
- Cyberintegrator
- None
- Medici
- None
Work Planned
- Cyberintegrator
- None
- Medici
- None
This week went mostly as planned. It took me longer to progress on the class loading issue because there were no error messages.