Blog from August, 2011

Work Completed

    • Visited Champaign on Tuesday August 23, 2011 to attend Eclipse PTP User meeting and tutorial. The tutorial session was very helpful. I successfully setup and ran a sample MPI application on Lincoln.
    • Tested REST API with test scripts , including a test script that ran eAIRS on Ranger. The next step is to re-work the Cyberintegrator eAIRS tool to use the REST service instead of the PTPFlow RMI Client
    • Continued working on monitoring UI and simulation details UI pieces. I also looked over the UIBinder/MVP tutorial links that Luigi provided.
    • Attended staff meeting

Work Planned

    • Attend Eclipse PTP User meeting on August 23, 2011
    • Work on eAIRS/PAW UI
    • Test REST API and start converting eAIRS tool to use REST API instead of RMI Client
    • Attend weekly staff meeting (10am Mondays)


This week went as planned. Next week I will continue working on the eAIRS/PAW UI pieces and update the eAIRS tool to use the REST service.

Work Completed

    • I setup my development environment with the new Eclipse Indigo release and Maven plugin. It took some time to resolve issues I had getting Maven to update the PAW plugins properly and to build the PAW modules.
    • Looked over KISTI REST API
    • Checked out and looked at the PTPFlow-light client code (Gondola). I suggested a dependency change to Al to remove unnecessary plug-ins that could conflict. Most of the libraries wrapped inside Al's org.apache.commons plugin are now bundled with Eclipse and can be automatically picked up.
    • I updated paw-authentication to include a new dependency (to include tupelo-client) and I added code for storing the x509 certificates in Tupelo with my X509CertificateBean. One issue that needs to be addressed is how does paw-authentication get connected to a Tupelo context. In order to associate the x509 with a specific user, we need to have that user first sign into tupelo with a U/P or support some kind of single sign-on between Tupelo and MyProxy. Once this is addressed, we can use my code to store the x509.
    • I started working on the GWT layout for the job monitoring UI based on slide-22 of the EDISON v2.2.1 document provided by KISTI. This is still a work in progress as I get more familiar with the available GWT widgets and UI binder.
    • Attended KISTI staff meeting (Monday 10am).

Work Planned

    • Add code to paw-authentication module to store x509 certificate in tupelo
    • Start working on UI development for eAIRS/PAW
    • Attend KISTI Staff meeting, Monday - 10am.


This week went as planned. Next week I will be in Champaign (August 23rd) to attend the Eclipse PTP user meeting.

Work Completed

    • Worked on installing and getting ELF running on Ranger. I am working through qsub submission issues with help from Al. Ranger is setup differently than other machines ELF is running on.
    • Tested PTPFlow client login for Yong Wook. I was not receiving the cert expired warning so I provided suggestions on checking the grid certificate. The issue was resolved.
    • I did not get to updating PAW Authentication. I will need guidance on setting up my dev environment and running the current code. When I downloaded the source code I was getting build errors.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • None
  • Medici
    • None

Work Planned

    • Install and Test ELF on Ranger HPC
    • Update PAW authentication to store certificates with our X509CertificateBean
  • Cyberintegrator
    • None
  • Medici
    • None


This week went mostly as planned. It is taking longer than anticipated to setup ELF on the Ranger system.

Work Completed

  • General
    • Attended all-staff meeting via phone call in.
    • KNSG-106, staging tool. The current version is a command line tool, but it would be better as a Java tool so it can take advantage of Cyberintegrators facilities for providing a Context because it needs access to the grid certificate that will be stored in tupelo. Otherwise, we would need some other way to get the certificate to the command line tool. The conversion is finished.
    • KNSG-109, checked in changes to the X509CertificateBean and bean utility. It is now ready for use with the login code to store x509's by user.
    • KNSG-107, made changes to the PTPFlow eAIRS Java tool to obtain the user from the workflow step based on discussions I had with Rob.
    • Attended KISTI project staff meeting.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Found and fixed a bug in Cyberintegrator server, CBI-379. There was an extra slash in the URL that caused it to fail to connect. This was found while testing the KISTI workflow launched on a remote Cyberintegrator server. The fix is checked into SVN.
  • Medici
    • None

Work Planned

    • Attend August 1st Staff meeting from 10am - 11am
    • Work on finishing the bean for storing X509 certficates, KNSG-109
    • Work on tool for staging files, KNSG-106.
  • Cyberintegrator
  • Medici
    • None


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Thursday August 4th and half of a personal day on Friday August 5th.

Work Completed

    • Worked on KNSG-107. I ran into issues with class loading between what Cyberintegrator had loaded and what was bundled in my PTPFlow tool. I finally narrowed it down to a difference between the commons logging in org.apache.commons from PTPFlow and the commons logging that comes bundled with Eclipse. org.apache.commons is mostly outdated and for all PTPFlow plugins relying on it for logging, this dependency can be safely removed. I intend to ask Al's permission to remove the depedendency on org.apache.commons since it is no longer needed. I got as far as running my PTPFlow tool as a CyberintegratorToolFile, which does not provide a Context to the tool. I am now working on Converting the tool to CyberintegratorToolTupelo (nearly finished) so we can get a certificate from an X509CertificateBean.
    • Worked on KNSG-108. I got some feedback from Rob and I am working on integrating that feedback into the bean and it's utility class. This should be tested and finished soon.
    • Worked on KNSG-109. Instead of using a command line tool where you could specify each parameter when adding the tool to Cyberintegrator (initial concept), I determined it would be easier to create a ModelParameter java tool where the UI would be auto-built by Cyberintegrator based on the class definition. The output of this tool is a parameter file. Everything is checked into svn at in the package
  • Cyberintegrator
    • None
  • Medici
    • None

Work Planned

    • Work on KNSG-107 - Design of PTPFlow tool
    • Work on KNSG-108 - Design and create bean to store x509 certificates
    • Work on KNSG-109 - Design parameter creation tool
  • Cyberintegrator
    • None
  • Medici
    • None


This week went mostly as planned. It took me longer to progress on the class loading issue because there were no error messages.