Work Completed

    • Worked on KNSG-107. The majority of my time was spent investigating and building/testing the feasibility of running PTPFlow tools as Java tools. After some work, I believe this is feasible and will eliminate the need to create our own executor. I still have a few more tests to run to make sure I have overcome all issues that I ran into. The biggest issue I had was getting the CoGProperties class in globus to initialize without throwing an ErrorInInitializationException. The CoGProperties class is required as part of obtaining a grid certificate using PTPFlow utility methods. There are a few workarounds for this if we want to run our workflow in Cyberintegrator (e.g. have another standalone eclipse tool that asks for username/password and pass the certficate to the next tool) or in our case, we'll be storing certificates in Tupelo and won't actually need to instantiate CoGProperties inside the PTPFlow tool, the tool will just obtain the cert from Tupelo.
  • Cyberintegrator
  • Medici

Work Planned

    • KNSG-107- Investigate feasibility of making PTPFlow tool as a Java tool in Cyberintegrator instead of a special executor
  • Cyberintegrator
    • None
  • Medici
    • None


This week went as planned. I was out half of Monday and most of Friday. I ran into more issues than I thought I would trying to build PTPFlow as a Java tool, but the effort seems to have paid off and will minimize the effort to setup Cyberintegrator servers to run ptpflow tools.