Work Completed

  • KISTI Project
    1. Resolved KNSG-20, added right click menu to workflows for bringing up the submission dialog.
    2. Resolved KNSG-21, added interactive splash handler that lets the user log into MyProxy or work offline.
    3. Resolved KNSG-21, added browse button to preference page for specifying PTPFlow RMI distribution directory.
    4. Resolved KNSG-24, eAIRS product should depend on and build from features. I Defined features for each set of plug-ins (PTPFlow RMI, KNSG framework, eAIRS) and tested the product using those defined features.
    5. Resolved KNSG-25, added sample workflow that is installed when eAIRS first launches.
    6. Resolved KNSG-28, added application icon for eAIRS (16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, and 128x128)
    7. Resolved KNSG-30, added refresh button to repository view so users can refresh the repository content.
    8. Resolved KNSG-31, added a help menu to eAIRS.
  • Built version 0.1 with Eclipse 3.6 for Win32, Linux x86 and x86_64, tested on win32 and linux x86. Released version 0.1 of KISTI project on Friday June 25, 2010.
  • Started a google document outlining the features for upcoming releases, only version 0.1 was completed, 0.2 still needs work.
  • Setup KNSG Jira site to include more information when adding features such as which release they belong to and which component for better tracking.

Work Planned

  • Build, Test and Release version 0.1 of KISTI Project on Friday June 25, 2010


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Friday (finished release and provided Jong with builds for release). Next week I intend to continue working on the KISTI project, we will work on what will be in release 0.2, and the build still needs to be automated with Hudson.