At the end of each month, after the accounts are reconciled by the business office you will receive an email with an excel attachment of the accounts (or CFOPAs) that are assigned to you. If there is a CFOPA on your financial statement you do not think you are responsible for, please email your business office contact or, if you are unsure of your contact, for more information. Please be sure to include the CFOPA and your question. 

The email you receive will have a subject line that looks like the image below, this will state that it is the financial statement, the date the statement was generated in the system, and your name. 

 When the workbook opens you will need to click the "enable editing" button to see all information in the statement

The excel file opens on the first tab called "Summary". This tab gives you a high level listing of all your CFOPAs, their titles as shown in BA (our accounting shadow system), the budget end date, the budget (or current balance), current month expenditures (expenditures in the reconciled month for the report you're viewing), Cumulative expenditures (expenditures from the start of the CFOPA through the end of the current reconciled month), Encumbrances Remaining (a mix of any open purchase orders, and committed labor in banner), and Uncommitted Balance (this is the Budget - Cumulative Expenditures - Encumbrance Remaining). If you have questions on the Uncommitted Balance please ask your accountant, or email Please be sure to include the CFOPA and your question.

Each CFOPA listed in the summary will have its own tab where the financial statement for that CFOPA is listed. The financial statement sheet will list details about the CFOPA at the top of each sheet. The first investigator listed may not be your name. This investigator field represents who is listed at the fund level. The last item in this column "investigator" is the Activity code investigator. This should be your name. 

The first section in the financial statement is the "Fund Summary." This is a little more detailed view of the summarized budget and expenditures. You will see the Account Numbers and Account Classifications listed, these reflect either where your budget has been distributed at the account level, or where charges have posted. You will see in the screenshot below we did not distribute this budget out of the account for "FOP Expense Budget Pool" and you will see that the expenses posted against the "Academic Salary" and "Civil Service Salary" lines. 

The second section of the financial statement is the "Open Encumbrances Summary". This section lists anything that is contributing to the "Encumbrance Remaining" Summary column. This section will give you information about what charges Banner expects to post against your CFOPA in the future. Open Encumbrances cannot be removed by the NCSA business office, though they will assist in submitting the form needed to remove an incorrect encumbrance when necessary. If you have questions on removing encumbrances please ask your accountant, or email Please be sure to include the CFOPA and your question.

The last section of the report will be the "Current Expenditures Detail". Please review this section carefully to ensure that the expenses that have posted are what you expected. Reviewing these every month will give you confidence in doing your semi-annual confirmations that all expenses are allowable and reviewed on your accounts and, if there are errors, allows the business office to resolve those transactions before semi-annual confirmations are due. If you have questions about transactions please ask your accountant, or email Please be sure to include the CFOPA and your question. 

Please do not hesitate to contact your local accountant, or email, if you have any questions or concerns about your statements! Please understand that this is a new process and we are certain to run into some hiccups the first few months, but we are looking forward to getting your financial information sent directly to your email!

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