Work Completed
- Tested KISTI rmi endpoing. We determined it was a problem with the configuration files on the rmi endpoint. The ember host file did not contain my user-home on host. Once this was completed, I ran a test run of my eAIRS workflow using Cyberintegrator and storing results in the KISTI tupelo machine successfully. More work needs to be done to determine if we move to a command line tool for running the ptpflow workflows.
- Worked on KNSG-108, design parameter creation tool. This tool will take parameters and write them to a file for input to the eAIRS workflow. A first cut is finished and some work remains to finish this tool.
- Worked on KNSG-109, design and create a tupelo bean to store X509 certificates. I have finished some preliminary work and am waiting for feedback on the bean design before finishing this implementation.
- Medici
- Worked on and resolved MMDB-1193. I created a sample splashscreen and after presenting it to others and including Terry's and Rob's suggestions, I finished a new splashscreen for the Medici desktop app.
- Cyberintegrator
- None
Work Planned
- Work on storing X509 certificates with Tupelo
- Test running basic test ptpflow workflow with KISTI rmi since previous runs of more complex workflows were not succeeding. Also test using KISTI Tupelo repository with more complex workflows once the test workflows are working.
- Create standalone parameter creation tool (input parameter file for eAIRS)
- Medici
- MMDB-1193 - add NCSA logo and pics of desktop to desktop splash screen
- Cyberintegrator
- None
This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Friday July 15th.