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Report a problem
Current Status
Start | End | What System/Service is affected | What is happening? | What will be affected? | Contact Person | Status |
1600 | Some IRST-hosted VMs | an IRST-run ESXi server is experiencing some IO issues, potentially causing issues for VMs on that server | some IRST-hosted VMs | | INVESTIGATING | |
0700 | 0900 | ICRN | Upstream Radiant Quarterly Maintenance | All ICRN services | | STARTED |
Upcoming Scheduled Maintenance
Listed below in chronological order.
Start | End | What System/Service is affected | What is happening? | What will be affected? | Contact Person | Status |
Previous Outages or Maintenance
Start | End | What System/Service was affected? | What happened? | What was affected? | Contact Person | Status |
2025-02-18 0800 | 2025-02-18 0900 | | The servers hosting are moving to the 141.142.148.x subnet. The DNS entry for will be updated to point to the new servers. | | | COMPLETE |
2025-02-17 1700 | 2025-02-18 0700 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | RESOLVED |
2025-02-17 1220 | 2025-02-17 1240 | ldap4 - LDAP service | Syetem short on memory 4GB almost used up. Took system down and increased memory to 8GB | System had rebooted daily because or out of memory condition. | tbouvet, Clausen | RESOLVED |
2025-02-14 1300 | 2025-02-14 1700 | ACHE SMTP Relay | This system will be down to be reinstalled to RHEL8 | Mail from ACHE systems will be queued up locally until the system is back online. | | SCHEDULED |
12:45 | 19:45 | Duo device management | Multiple institutions reporting some issues with Duo administration and device management. | Duo Device Management errors may lead users to lock themselves out from Duo if multiple failed attempts to manage devices are recorded | | RESOLVED |
31 Jan 2025 | 31 January 2025 | LastPass | unused accounts are disabled or deleted per policy | unused LastPass accounts | | COMPLETE |
2025-01-27 0900 | 2025-01-27 0930 | | Update to latest Tomcat version | | | COMPLETE |
0005 | 0702 | NCSA DHCP | NCSA DHCP service was automatically restarted with some missing data. | NCSAnet wireless and office Ethernet connected computers were unable to get a IP address assigned. | | COMPLETE |
0700 | 1945 | Radiant | Radiant Quarterly Maintenance | All Radiant services | | COMPLETE |
2025-01-17 0900 | 2025-01-17 1700 | HAL HAL-DGX ISL-x86 Cluster | Planned Maintenance | All services including login, compute and Open Ondemand | | COMPLETE |
2025-01-15 0700 | 2025-01-16 1314 | Nightingale | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All Nightingale servers and services were unavailable | | COMPLETE |
2025-01-13 0900 | 2025-01-16 0940 | ca-firewalls | Updating ca Firewalls fw1 Monday fw2 Thursday | No outages expected | | COMPLETED |
2025-01-13 0900 | 2025-01-16 0940 | ache-firewalls | Updating ache Firewalls fw1 Monday fw2 Thursday | No outages expected | | COMPLETED |
2025-01-01 2359 | 2025-01-15 XXXX | Campus Cluster | Campus Cluster is moving from ACB to NPCF | All Campus Cluster resources will be inaccessible during this period. | COMPLETED | |
2025-01-09 1700 | 2025-01-10 0700 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETED |
2025-01-07 0900 | 2025-01-09 0945 | NCSA-CWM firewalls | Updating NCSA-CWM Firewalls fw1 Tuesday fw2 Thursday | No outages expected | | COMPLETED |
2025-01-07 0900 | 2025-01-09 0945 | NPCF-CWM firewalls | Updating NPCF-CWM Firewalls fw1 Tuesday fw2 Thursday | No outages expected | | COMPLETED |
2025-01-02 1000 | 2025-01-02 1100 | | Update to latest Tomcat version | | | COMPLETED |
2024-12-26 1700 | 2024-12-28 | NPCF Facilities | Campus chilled water event caused several outages at buildings across campus. NPCF was impacted by a water leak which caused an electrical event. | Delta, Hydro, UIC, main building power | TMG - 244-0710 Brandon - 244-1637 | RESOLVED |
| | AFS | Working on updates to the AFS DB servers. | None expected. AFS is served by redundant servers. | | COMPLETED |
2024-12-20 0900 | 2024-12-20 1000 | New ICCPv4 IP Space | NCSA and Tech Services engineers will be updating routing policies for the new ICCPv4 IP space between NCSA, CARNE and LHC1. | No impact expected. | | COMPLETED |
2024-12-12 1430 | | Firmware updated | Update complete | | COMPLETED | |
2024-12-10 1700 | | Migration to new RHEL 9.4 host | Brief outage of one of the two InfluxDB servers as it is cutover to a new host; Telegraf daemons will buffer metrics during outage | | COMPLETED | |
2024-12-09 10:40 | ache-repo | ache-repo will be shutdown for ESXi updates | All services from ache-repo will be unavailable | | COMPLETED | |
NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | ONGOING | ||
2024-11-18 0930 | 2024-11-18 11:30 | Nightingale | Slurm Update | New jobs and Slurm commands will fail, existing running jobs will continue to run | | COMPLETED |
2024-11-13 1300 | 2024-11-13 2000 | Connectivity | Fiber vendor maintenance | The fiber provider that provides connectivity to UIUC and Illinois is continuing to troubleshoot issues related to maintenance they performed last night. Intermittent loss of connectivity may be observed. | | COMPLETED |
2024-11-07 1500 | 2024-11-09 1600 | | virtual routing was affected during planned rolling update | project routes were not accessible for periods during the outage | | COMPLETED |
2024-11-04 1200 | 2024-11-04 1234 | | Critical Patches | The web console. VMs should not be affected | | COMPLETED |
Core-East | Core-East will be added back to active routing. | The intent is for no service impact. | | COMPLETED | ||
2024-10-23 23:00 | 2024-10-24 10:30 | ncsa-3003 lab | Some systems in NCSA 3003 were unreachable due to DDOS protection because of a host in 3003. | systems connected to the ncsa-3003-agg switch couldn't be reached or connect to the rest of the NCSA network. | | RESOLVED |
2024-10-23 15:20 | 2024-10-23 19:23 | ncsa-3003 lost a lab router | Some systems in NCSA 3003 were unreachable while the router was in a broken state. | systems connected to the ncsa-3003-agg switch couldn't be reached or connect to the rest of the NCSA network. | | RESOLVED |
Core-East | Core-East will be replaced. | The intent is for no service impact. | | COMPLETED | ||
NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETED | ||
Core-East | Removing Core-east from active routing. | The intent is for no service impact. | | COMPLETED | ||
NCSA GitLab | GitLab was updated to latest version. | All GitLab services were unavailable for a few minutes. | | COMPLETED | ||
Core-West | The new Core-West being brought fully online from install last week. | The intent is for no service impact. | | COMPLETED | ||
2024-10-03 5:00pm | 2024-10-03 5:35pm | mForge and Nightingale | Replacing faulty npcf-ache-dist switch | Admin access to mForge and all access to Nightingale | | COMPLETED |
Core-West | Core-West will be replaced. | The intent is for no service impact. | | COMPLETED | ||
2024-09-26 1000 | 2024-09-26 1023 | ache-git | gitlab updates | access to ache-git | | COMPLETED |
2024-09-24 3:00p | 2024-09-24 3:48p | | The NCSA IdP was unreachable due to network reconfiguration. The issue was identified and fixed. | Any service which required login via . | | FIXED |
2024-09-23 1200 | 2024-09-23 1300 | | Critical Patches | The web console. VMs should not be affected | | COMPLETED |
vForge | scheduled PM | all cluster operations | | COMPLETE | ||
Taiga & Granite | Bi-Annual Maintenance | Taiga and Granite services were upgraded | | COMPLETE | ||
ACHE | Users have been erroneously removed from ACHE LDAP Groups | Affected users will be unable to access ACHE/Ngale systems | | COMPLETE | ||
| | Jira | Rollout of new Jira Service Manager ticketing system | Jira will be down starting at 5PM on Friday 6 Sep through 9 AM Monday 9 Sep | 217-244-0710 | COMPLETE |
2024-09-04 0700 | Nightingale | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All Nightingale servers and services were unavailable (other than the ngale-bastion* nodes) | | COMPLETE | |
ACHE-Proxy | Migration to RHEL8 | Ache proxy will be temporarily unavailable for reinstall | | COMPLETE | ||
2024-08-30 14:30 | 2024-08-30 15:30 | npcf-influxdb | Migration to RHEL9 + NVME Server | The npcf-influxdb server was migrated to new hardware and moved to RHEL 9.4 | | COMPLETE |
NCSA-CWM firewalls | Updating NCSA-CWM Firewalls fw1 Monday fw2 Thursday | No outages expected | | COMPLETE | ||
NPCF-CWM firewalls | Updating NPCF-CWM Firewalls fw1 Monday fw2 Thursday | No outages expected | | COMPLETE | ||
2024-08-12 1330 | CA firewalls | Updating the CA firewalls | No outages expected | | COMPLETE | | LDAP | restarting service to load new schema | identity etc. any systems which write to NCSA LDAP | | COMPLETE | ||
0700 |
0100 | Radiant (and dependent services) | Planned Maintenance Update of CEPH storage service Update of OS to Rocky 9 | Radiant service and Horizon dashboard all VM's were stopped for the duration of the event | | COMPLETE |
1530 | ~2359 | Illinois Computes Research Notebooks (ICRN) | Planned maintenance of upstream cloud provider (Radiant) | Jupyter notebooks for | | COMPLETE |
2024-08-20 1555 | 2024-08-20 1703 | ICI Metrics | The ICI Metrics server became intermittently unresponsive | Access to and all alerting was interupted | | COMPLETE |
NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETE | ||
1600 | 1730 | Illinois Computes Research Notebooks (ICRN) | Network configuration changes | Jupyter notebooks for | | COMPLETE |
2024-08-15 11:45 | 2024-08-15 1200 | DUO | secrets are being rotated | will have momentary outage while new keys are updated and service restarted. | | COMPLETE |
2024-08-14 1200 | 2024-08-14 1201 | Lastpass | DUO integration is being updated | no issues are expected | | COMPLETED |
2024-08-12 1000 | 2024-08-12 1430 | Delta-AI | Shutting down Delta storage rack CDU to connect new Delta-AI storage rack RDX to CDU | Delta storage rack RDX will be switched off, will switch the rack to facility air/air cooling. | | COMPLETE |
2024-08-05 0930 | 2024-08-08 1036 | ache-fw | Updating ache fw's fw1 on Monday fw2 on Thursday planned | No outages expected | | COMPLETE |
NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETED | ||
2024-07-30 18:30 | 2024-07-30 21:25 | Globus Transfers (All Endpoints) | Globus is experienced a nation-wide outage due to service disruptions in AWS | Globus Transfers/Workflows | | RESOLVED |
2024-07-16 0700 | 2024-07-16 1700 | Delta | System updates and networking configuration changes in preparation for DeltaAI fabric and storage linking. Moving user home directories from Delta local storage to NCSA Harbor storage service. | All Delta systems/servcies | | SCHEDULED |
| | NCSA Wiki will restart daily at 3:30 AM | will be inaccessible for a few minutes while the service is restarted. | | RESOLVED |
| Week of | Granite Tape Archive restores/retrievals. | Upgrading the tape library to its new LTO9 tape technology | Restores and retrievals form the tape library. | | COMPLETED |
Illinois Campus Cluster | Quarterly Maintenance | Scheduler, login and compute nodes. Mounts to ICCP research storage from outside the cluster are unaffected. | | COMPLETED | ||
0800 | 1630 | Illinois Computes Research Notebooks (ICRN) | Quarterly Maintenance | Jupyter notebooks for | | COMPLETED |
2024-07-03 1200 | 2024-07-03 1300 | | Critical Patches | The web console. VMs should not be affected | | COMPLETED |
2000 | 0310 | cerberus1, cerberus3, some CA systems, * | network interruptions | some network changes made between 9:45p and 11:15p on 2024-06-28 - waiting to see if that resolves the issues. Update 03:10 CDT we believe the problem has been isolated and all services recovered, but we continue to monitor | | RESOLVED |
2024-06-26 0900 | 2024-06-27 1400 | Ngale Bastions | Reinstallion | Each system will be down, 1 per day | | COMPLETED |
2024-06-24 0900 | 2024-06-25 1400 | ACHE Bastions | Reinstallion | Each system will be down, 1 per day | | COMPLETE |
| | Jira | Ran out of licenses | No new tickets could be made, dashboards were unavailable. | | RESOLVED |
2024-06-18 1800 | 2024-06-19 0700 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
| | | NCSA Wiki will be updated to address security concerns. | will be inaccessible during the upgrade | | COMPLETE |
2024-06-12 1600 | The following websites:
| Hosts managing these site will be rebooted | Sites will be inaccessible for a brief period | | COMPLETE | |
0530 | 0700 | NCSAnet Wireless | Campus and NCSA enginners will be making some changes to the NCSAnet wireless. | NCSAnet will be periodically unavailable during the maint window. IllinoisNet will remain available. | | RESOLVED |
2024-06-03 0900 | 2024-06-06 1400 | Cerberus Bastions | Re-installation | Each system will be down, 1 per day | | RESOLVED |
2024-05-31 1000 | 2024-05-31 1200 | Networking in 3003 | ncsa-3003-lr switch stack upgrade | Anything connected to the main switch stack in 3003 | | RESOLVED |
1500 | 1500 | Connectivity in 3003 | network connectivity issues in 3003. | | ||
14:04 | 14:52 | NCSA center-wide management firewalls | connection to upstream network device was disrupted. Connection has been re-established | connectivity to NCSA center-wide management networks in 3003is down / intermittant | | RESOLVED |
2024-05-16 0630 | 2024-05-17 1530 | Delta | Planned Maintenance | Full system outage | | COMPLETE |
2024-05-17 0600 | 2024-05-17 0713 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab server was updated to new OS. | All GitLab services were unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2024-05-15 0700 | 2024-05-15 19:00 | Nightingale | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All Nightingale servers and services were unavailable (other than the ngale-bastion* nodes) | | COMPLETE |
2024-05-14 0800 | 2024-05-14 1500 | Radiant | Adding second OpenStack network service node | No operational impact is expected but there may be some increased latency in OpenStack network requests as the service rebalances. | | COMPLETE |
NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETE | ||
2024-05-03 0600 | 2024-05-03 0615 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab was updated to latest version. This was rescheduled from originally scheduled the day before. | All GitLab services will be unavailable for a few minutes. | | COMPLETE |
10:30 | 11:00 | | has slow load time or completely times out (ticketed as SVC-24573) | Viewing/Editing Confluence (Wiki) pages. | | RESOLVED |
2024-04-25 17:00 | 2024-04-25 17:45 | | An update for an active 0day attack was installed | vpn connections dropped for users and they had to reconnect. | | COMPLETE |
| NCSA Wiki | Server, DB, and Application upgrades | will be unavailable during this time | | COMPLETE |
2024-04-19 08:00 | 2024-04-19 09:15 | DHCP leases for NCSANet and NCSA wired network | DHCP server stopped renewing IP address leases after a reboot for patching | DHCP lease renewals ceased, causing loss of connectivity for systems that tried to renew during the window. Already established connections were unaffected. | | COMPLETE |
2024-04-17 13:15 | 2024-04-17 13:16 | | A filesystem is being fsck'ed. | The data filesystem will be offline so packages will be unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2024-04-16 08:45 | 2024-04-16 09:15 | Taiga | Rolling Failovers on Taiga's MDT0 appliance | Access to FS was interrupted | | COMPLETE |
2024-04-04 12:35 | 2024-04-04 16:35 | Subset of Taiga native (Lustre) clients | IB Link on tgio11 began failing RDMA traffic causing some I/O interrupt issues on clients leveraging 3 LNET routers. | Access to the file system via these LNET routers is periodically timing out; suspect is bad IB cable. Confirming with vendor. | | MITIGATED |
| VMware migrations | VMware hosts are migrating to a new license model | All VM guest machines and all services should remain operational and accessible. No downtimes are expected. | COMPLETE | |
NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETE | ||
2024-04-02 11:00 | 2024-04-02 11:30 | IRST services, including systems run on IRST VMWare clusters | moving to upgraded switches/routers | Systems run by IRST, and any systems on the IRST-run VMWare cluster. Outage is expected to last < 5min. | | COMPLETE |
2024-02-28 | 2024-04-01 | SSLVPN | SSLVPN will start using CILogon for authentication and DUO integration. | Four new profiles have been created (duplicating the existing four) but with the name "cilogon" in the name. These new profiles will use the new authentication method. After a few weeks of testing, if no issues are found, we will remove the old profiles on March 20. | | COMPLETE |
| | NCSA GitLab, NCSA Windows File & Print Servers Web Redirect Server | VMs migrating to a new cluster | Affected services will be unavailable for a few minutes. | | COMPLETE |
| NPCF Wifi | Tech Services will be replacing the AP at NPCF. | Tech Services will be replacing the Access Points at NPCF. No user impact is expected. | | COMPLETE |
| Jira, Wiki,, | VMs will migrate to a new cluster. | Services will be unavailable for a few minutes (<5 mins) while the VM is shutdown and moved. | | COMPLETE |
| NCSA Wifi | Tech Services will be replacing the AP at the NCSA building. | Tech Services will be replacing the Access Points at the NCSA building. No user impact is expected. | | COMPLETE |
2024-03-15 2140 | vForge / license servers | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all vForge nodes and services (incl. related license servers/services) will be unavailable | | COMPLETE | |
03/14/2024 0800 | 03/15/2024 2125
| Taiga/Granite | Semi-Annual Maintenance | All Taiga & Granite Storage Services | | COMPLETED |
1200 | 1500 | console | Upgrade | The web console. VMs should not be affected | | COMPLETED |
2024-03-07 | 2024-03-08 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETED |
2024-02-22 0640 | 2024-02-22 0648 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab being updated to latest version | All GitLab services will be unavailable for a few minutes. | | COMPLETED |
1500 | 1600 | ACHE vSphere is being upgraded | ACHE vSphere is being upgraded | ACHE vSphere will not be accessible | | COMPLETED |
1600 |
1630 | | ssl cert is refreshed | Users may need to manually reconnect if the system drops their session | | COMPLETED |
02/08/2024 1030 | 02/08/2024 1330 | NCSA Backbone Network Battery Backup | NPCF Network DC Battery Maintenance | Network Engineering is taking the battery back-up servicing NPCF networking equipment offline for periodic maintenance. This will be non-service impacting, as all core networking equipment still has two independent power feeds. | | COMPLETED |
2024-01-29 1600 | 2024-02-05 | UIUC Network | Complete / partial network outage | While NCSA network is up and not impacted, much of the UIUC network is currently offline. This could be affecting a broad range of services such as wireless, facility networks, campus websites, etc. No current ETA, as engineers are still troubleshooting the problem. | | COMPLETED |
1730 | 1830 | vCenter Server Appliance | Critical patches are being applied | The site will not be accessible. Operating VMs should not be affected | | COMPLETED |
0800 | 1400 | HOLL-I | HOLL-I will enter a shuttered/standby mode | All HOLL-I servers and services will no longer be available after standby mode is activated. | | COMPLETED |
NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETED | ||
0900 | 0915 | LastPass | yearly audit performed. Users disabled or deleted per policy | Accounts that had been disabled for over a year were deleted. Accounts that were unused for a year were disabled | | COMPLETED | | Configuration update for sslvpn | Configuration for the NCSA Identity Provider will be updated with login support for | | COMPLETED | ||
1700 | 1745 | Wiki service upgrade | Upgrade version to address recently announce security vulnerabilities. | Wiki will be down during upgrade and testing. | | COMPLETED |
2200 | 2330 | Jira service upgrade | Upgrade version to address recently announce security vulnerabilities. | Jira will be down during upgrade and testing. | | COMPLETED |
2024-01-17 0500 | 2024-01-17 0700 | Wireless connectivity on 2nd, 3rd and 4 floors. | Tech Services will be replacing some network components in switches that provide connectivity for wireless. | Each floor (wireless) will lose connectivity for a few mins while the cards are replaced. | | COMPLETED |
2024-01-16 0900 | 2024-01-16 23:30 | Facility UPS | Second attempt, Preventive Maintenance_Replace UPS capacitors | All systems which are connected to UPS power. During the PM the systems will not lose power but will be unprotected. | | COMPLETED |
2024-01-16 2200 | 2024-01-17 0300 | Waster leak in Node 1 on campus. | Node1 ( located on campus) has a water leak that may require full power down to address. This will take out several devices that provide connectivity to NCSA WAN. | No power outage was needed to repair the leak | | COMPLETED |
2024-01-10 0700 | 2024-01-10 12:09 | Nightingale | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All Nightingale servers and services were unavailable (other than the ngale-bastion* nodes) | | COMPLETED |
2024-01-09 2100 | 2024-01-10 0400 | Wifi | Performing a Code upgrade that will affect the Wi-Fi Environment. The majority of the system will be online and functional while individual Access Points will be upgraded. This upgrade is expected to gracefully migrate clients to adjacent access points to minimize any interruption. | <---- This will more than likely also impact NCSAnet. | | COMPLETED |
08 Jan 2024 0700 | 08 Jan 2024 1600 | vforge | Radiant upgrade | Entire cluster is shut down | | COMPLETED |
0700 | 1430 | Radiant | The Radiant cluster was be upgraded from OpenStack Wallaby to Yoga. | The web dashboard and API endpoints were unavailable; networking for instances may have been intermittent. | | COMPLETED |
2024-01-05 0400 | 2024-01-19 1200 | Wifi | Upgrading the code used for the Authentication on the Wi-Fi system and VPN. There will be an interruption to the IllinoisNet_Guest device registration and the IllinoisNet_Guest self-registration portal; both are expected to be back online before regular business hours. Regular authentication and traffic flow for the Wi-Fi and VPN is not expected to be interrupted. | <---- This will more than likely also impact NCSAnet. | | COMPLETED |
2023-12-19 0400 | 2023-12-19 0800 | Wifi | Upgrading the core campus Wi-Fi hardware. There will be an interruption to Campus Wi-Fi (including IllinoisNet, IllinoisNet_Guest, and eduroam), IllinoisNet_Guest device registration, and the IllinoisNet_Guest self-registration portal. | <---- This will more than likely also impact NCSAnet. | | COMPLETED |
NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETED | ||
1600 | 1630 | and | Atlassian has notified us of several critical security vulnerabilities in Confluence and Jira software. A mitigation has been applied to the Jira server and the Confluence server ( will be patched. | There will be a brief outage to patch the Confluence server at 1600. The patching is expected to take 15-20 minutes but the entire hour is reserved as a precaution. | | COMPLETED |
2023-12-06 0900 | 2023-12-06 1700 | Facility UPS | Preventive Maintenance _ Replace UPS capacitors. | All systems which are connected to UPS power. During the PM the systems will not lose power but will be unprotected. | MO Rantissi | INCOMPLETE UPS maintenance was halted due to damaged parts. Putting the UPS back together and rescheduling for a later date. The UPS is back online. |
2023-11-10 | 2023-11-10 | IDDS database | Planned maintenance: postgresql upgrade | NCSA identity, group management, campus cluster user management page, TEM shift report tool, and naps | | COMPLETED |
2023-11-09 1445 (vForge) 2023-11-09 1630 (license servers) | vForge / license servers | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all vForge nodes and services (incl. related license servers/services) will be unavailable | | COMPLETED | |
2023-11-09 14:30 | vForge / license servers | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all vForge nodes and services (incl. related license servers/services) will be unavailable | | COMPLETED | |
Radiant | Rebuilding rabbitmq service | Dashboard and API services were read-only during this time. | | COMPLETED | ||
2023-11-03 | 2023-11-07 | | private docker registry is down due to volumes in radiant in detaching state | is not reachable, and images stored are unreachable. Services that have their images local should continue to run, services that want push/pull images will get a 500 error. | Rob Kooper | COMPLETED |
1700 | 1830 | Confluence/Wiki | Upgrade the system | Confluence | | COMPLETED |
2023-10-31 09:30 | 2023-10-31 10:30 | NCSA OpenSource | upgrade Atlassian products | opensource confluence/jira/bamboo/bitbucket | COMPLETED | |
| HAL | Full System PM | All HAL services | POSTPONED | |
1330 | 14:30 | SSLVPN | New auth method was added to a new login profile, ncsa-vpn-saml-tunnelall. | There is now a test profile in place that isn't open to everyone. Please continue to use the profiles you were using before. If you notice and issue please report it. Our testing indicated logins were working as intended. | | COMPLETE |
0900 | 1700 | Radiant | OpenStack software update | The Radiant team will be conducting an OpenStack software update, from Victoria to Wallaby. This is a software stability update and does not include significant features or changes in functionality. The update will be done online and is not expected to impact running instances or system access. | | COMPLETE |
1700 | 0700 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares will be unavailable during maintenance. Users will be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing will be unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
0930 | 1100 | Taiga | Online, Rolling patch of Taiga servers | Taiga File System | | COMPLETE |
0800 | 0800 | HOLL-I | CS-2 Appliance Mode upgrade | All HOLL-I servers and services will be limited to internal testers | | COMPLETED |
0800 | 0800 | HOLL-I | CS-2 Appliance Mode hardware installation | All HOLL-I servers and services will be unavailable | | COMPLETE |
1800 | 1815 | Confluence | Config will be applied to increase the period users can be logged in before logged out | Confluence will be down | | COMPLETE |
1700 | 1800 | sslvpn | testing new auth method | no user impact was observed | | COMPLETE |
2023-10-10 0800 | 2023-10-10 1000 | | Moving to new compute infrastructure |,, | | COMPLETE |
2023-10-09 1215 | 2023-10-09 1532 | Taiga | Appliance has unmounted all of its OSTs. | Ability to do I/O to Taiga | | COMPLETE |
0600 | 0700 | Confluence | Confluence is being upgrade | Confluence will not be available for use | COMPLETE | |
2023-10-04 0600 | 2023-10-04 1927 | Delta | Filesystem and OS patching | All Delta resources will be unavailable during the maintenance period including: + Delta login nodes - unavailable + Delta compute nodes - unavailable Delta services + Open OnDemand - unavailable + Delta Globus Online endpoint - unavailable | | COMPLETE |
2023-10-04 0950 | 2023-10-04 1000 | Opensource Confluence | Patching confluece | opensource confluence will be down | COMPLETE | |
2023-09-27 1700 | 2023-09-28 0700 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2023-09-26 1400 | 2023-09-26 1500 | Wireless NCSA building | Campus wireless outage. | NCSAnet and IllinoisNet users are experiencing connectivity issues. Tech Services is aware of the problem. | | COMPLETE |
2023-09-28 1433 | 2023-09-28 1459 | | service outage due to AWS database issue | logins to were failing | | COMPLETE |
2023-09-26 7:30AM | 2023-09-26 8:00AM | Ldap Primary Server | Maintenance | Ldap updates will be disabled during maintenance | Timothy Bouvet | COMPLETE |
09/22/2023 8:00am | 9/22/2023 1:30pm | Wireless access | NCSANet is not authenticating users and denying connections. | Anyone attempting to connect to the wireless NCSANet ID. | | COMPLETE |
2023-08-29 | 2023-09-21 - 1300 | opensource bitbucket | Bitbucket is not compatible with the deployed version of git, see | | COMPLETE | |
2023-Sep-19 - 0745 | 2023-Sep-19 - 0750 | LastPass | Rekey the LastPass/Duo Integration | LastPass users that utilize duo may not be able to authenticate until completed | James Eyrich | COMPLETE |
2023-Sep-18 - 1511 | 2023-Sep-18 - 1749 | Taiga | Outage due to failed MDS failover. | Taiga access was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2023-09-14 0700 | 2023-09-14 2015 | vForge / license servers | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all vForge nodes and services (and related license servers/services) will be unavailable | | COMPLETE |
2023-09-14-0800 | 2023-09-14-2000 | Taiga & Granite Services | Semi-Annual Planned Maintenance | All Taiga and Granite services will be offline | COMPLETE | |
2023-09-08 06:58 | 2023-09-08 09:50 | disruption to NPCF-DES-CORE, NPCF-CWMGMT-FW1 & 2, MForge VPN | NPCF-CORE-EAST has a DEAD linecard. Relocating affected links to other linecards with open ports while we work with vendor support for a replacement. | redundancy has been lost, access and activity remain normal. | COMPLETE | |
2023-09-06 09:48 | 2023-9-6 10:35 | NCSA Center Wide Management Network | the firewall protecting this network is showing offline | Centerwide management networks in NCSA building | (John) Walker | COMPLETE |
2023-9-6 09:50 | 2023-9-6 10:35 | The main switch in NCSA 3003 | In debugging a link problem between NCSA and NPCF the wrong fiber was inadvertently pulled | Networking in and out of 3003 was down for 35 mins | | COMPLETE |
2023-08-26 23:06 | 2023-08-27 01:36 | CILogon | CILogon database replication error | CILogon OAuth/OIDC services unavailable | | COMPLETE |
2023-08-24 13:02 | 2023-08-25 14:15 | Taiga | Multiple SAS cable backend failure causing OSTs to go into write protect and unmount | Access to certain OSTs in Taiga | COMPLETE | |
2023-08-16 1700 | 2023-08-17 0000 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2023-08-16 0700 | 2023-08-16 1003 | Nightingale | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All Nightingale servers and services were unavailable (other than the ngale-bastion* nodes) | | COMPLETE |
2023-08-15 0400 | 2023-08-15 0500 | VMWare Gateway | VMWare is updating the Gateway OS | No expected effects | COMPLETE | |
2023-08-14 0935 | 2023-08-14 2000 | NCSA VPN | Duo implemented new ssl checks that we were not passing | Users couldn't authenticate with DUO to establish new connections to the VPN. Existing VPN sessions remain connected. | Matthew Elliott | COMPLETE |
2023-07-27 1700 | 2023-07-27 1715 | HOLL-I | Live kernel patching | kernel was updated in response to recent security issue. | | COMPLETE |
2023-07-25 0900 | 2023-07-25 1630 | Radiant | Changes to the OpenStack network configuration and network service node (increasing MTU on customer networks and adding a new dedicated network server) | These changes will impact project/instance networks and cause them to be unreachable for an extended period of time. Expect network timeouts and failure of NFS file system access. Systems may be unreachable for several hours - up to the entire planned time - but we are making every effort to minimize the downtime. | James Glasgow via | COMPLETE |
ICCP | ICCP Quarterly Maintenance | All ICCP services | COMPLETE | |||
2023-07-19 0800 | 2023-07-19 0900 | u1carne router | scheduled maintenance | mForge, Magnus, and Access will have a brief outage as the routers reboot. | Michael Douglas via | COMPLETE |
2023-07-12 1700 | 2023-07-12 2130 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2023-07-07 1000 | 2023-07-07 1100 | NCSA Kerberos | Deleting out principals that were disabled on 2023-06-07 | Kerberos authentication should already be disabled for the planned hosts, so there should be zero notable effect. | | COMPLETE |
1345 | 1450 | HOLL-I | Transitioning CS-2 Execution Mode from Weight Streaming to Pipelined | Holl-I CS-2 | | COMPLETE |
2023-06-30 0600 | 2023-06-30 0605 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab was updated to latest version | All GitLab services was unavailable for a few minutes. | | COMPLETE |
2023-06-29 1849 | 2023-06-29 2000 | Delta | More Power fluctuations due to the severe weather have caused in all NCSA buildings. NCSA staff are working to restore all services to full functionality. | Delta Login, Openondemand and Scheduling. | | RESOLVED |
2023-06-29 1316 | 2023-06-29 1530 | Most NCSA computer systems | Power fluctuations due to the severe weather have caused multiple system failures in all NCSA buildings. NCSA staff are working to restore all services to full functionality. | Virtually all systems have been impacted to some extent. Most NCSA compute resources have returned to service. | | RESOLVED |
2023-06-21 1800 | 2023-06-21 1900 | DNS1 / DNS2 | BIND security patches | Due to a security issue with BIND, neteng will be rebooting both DNS servers (staggered) starting tonight at 1800. | | COMPLETE |
2023-06-15 0600 | 2023-06-15 0605 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab updated to use new backup method | All GitLab services were unavailable for a few minutes. | | COMPLETE |
2023-06-14 1700 | 2023-06-14 2200 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2023-06-08 1100 | 2023-06-08 1205 | ICI Metrics | Major Upgrade to Grafana 9.5.x and Unified Alerting | Access to and all alerting was paused | | COMPLETE |
2023-06-07 1300 | 2023-06-07 1500 | NCSA Kerberos | Disabling Kerberos Host Principals not in DNS | Kerberos Authentication for hosts may stop working. Please create a ticket if you think your host principal may have been disabled erroneously. | | COMPLETE |
2023-05-23 1240 | 2023-05-23 1410 | Taiga | Failover events on tgio02 | I/O to and from Taiga for all services intermittently during this period | | RESOLVED |
2023-05-23 0800 | 2023-05-23 1400 | Granite Tape Archive | Unplanned Library Maintenance due to component failure | Retrieval of data; | | RESOLVED |
2023-05-18 0800 | 2023-05-18 1400 | Granite Tape Archive | Library Preventative Maintenance | Retrieval of data; | | COMPLETE |
2023-05-17 0700 | 2023-05-17 2125 | Nightingale | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All Nightingale servers and services were unavailable (other than the ngale-bastion* nodes) | | COMPLETE |
2023-05-17 0530 | 2023-05-17 0600 | Wireless and VoIP (NCSA Building) | Router Upgrades | Wireless, VoIP and anything directly connected to the campus switches will be down, while they upgrade firmware on the router. | | SCHEDULED |
2023-05-16 0700 | 2023-05-16 1100 | HOLL-I | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all HOLL-I nodes and services were unavailable | | COMPLETE |
2023-05-15 0900 | 2023-05-15 1200 | HOLL-I | CS-2 CDU maintenance | the HOLL-I CS-2 was unavailable and there was a reservation in Slurm | | COMPLETE |
2023-05-12 0600 | 2023-05-12 0615 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab was updated to latest version | All GitLab services was unavailable for a few minutes. | | COMPLETE |
vForge / license servers | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all vForge nodes and services (and related license servers/services) will be unavailable | | COMPLETE | ||
2023-May-03 0800 | 2023-April-25 0900 | ACHE FW Cluster Upgrade - Secondary | Upgrading ACHE Firewall member B | No outage expected | | COMPLETE |
13:00 | 16:30 | vSphere and hosts on it. | VMWare Licensing issues. Was forced to migrate to new vSphere. | LDAP, Wordpress Sites, various | | COMPLETE |
2023-05-01 1530 | 2023-05-01 1605 | ICI VMware | Apply updates to address software issue. | | COMPLETE | |
2023-April-26 0800 | 2023-April-25 0900 | ACHE FW Cluster Upgrade - primary | Upgrading ACHE Firewall member A | No outage expected | | COMPLETE |
2023-April-25 0800 | 2023-April-25 0900 | NPCF CWFM Cluster Upgrade secondary | Upgrading NPCF CW Firewall member B | No outage expected | | COMPLETE |
1700 |
1715 | NCSA VPN | The certificate on the NCSA VPN was replaced. | Users will be disconnected from the VPN and have to manually reconnect. | | COMPLETE |
2023-April-20 0800 | 2023-April-20 0900 | NPCF CWFM Cluster Upgrade primary | Upgrading NPCF CW Firewall member A | No outage expected | | COMPLETE |
2023-04-19 1800 | 2023-04-19 2300 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were be unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing were unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
0800 | 2000 | Delta | HSN and OS is being updated, | The entire system will be offline. | | COMPLETE |
04/17/23 0900 | 04/17/23 1400 | Granite Tape Archive | Upgrades to FS | Ingest or retrieval of data; | | COMPLETE |
2023-03-27 | 2023-04-16 | NCSA OpenSource BitBucket | incompatibility with git, only versions that can be installed are 2.25 or 2.40, and Bitbucket requires version 2.31 - 2.39 is down until new version of BitBucket | Rob Kooper | COMPLETED | |
2023-04-03 | 2023-04-04 | NCSAnet, IllinoisNet, EDUroam | Tech Services is deploying a new certificate for all wireless networks. | Check #announce on NCSA Slack for more information, including links to download software that will update your wireless profiles. | | COMPLETE |
2023-03-29 12:00 CDT | 2023-03-29 12:30 CDT | Primary Kerberos server | Configuration changes to match secondary KDCs | Password changes may have been delayed by ten minutes | Christopher Lindsey | COMPLETE |
2023-03-23 0843 | 2023-03-23 1030 | DHCP serving NCSAnet wireless and NCSA office wired wall jacks | The main NCSA DHCP server stopped answering queries and was restarted | If you didn't already have a DHCP lease your system would have been unable to connect to NCSAnet or register on an office wired wall jack. | | COMPLETE |
2023-03-15 1800 | 2023-03-16 2300 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2023-03-14 1100 | 2023-03-14 1150 | Authentication to and ache-vcenter will fail | Replacing SSL certs on Ldap1/2 | Ldap will be restarted on Ldap1/2 | | COMPLETE |
2023-03-09 17:20 | vForge / license servers | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all nodes and services will be unavailable | | COMPLETE | |
03/09/2023 0800 | 03/09/2023 1713 | NCSA Taiga & Granite | Taiga Service Node Updates & Granite Upgrade | Taiga Public LNET router was upgraded and a second one added; access via public LNET was down from 0800 to 1100. Globus and NFS services were patched in a rolling/online fashion. Granite experienced a short full downtime as we upgraded its software. | | COMPLETE |
03/07/2023 8:30am | 03/07/2023 10:15am | Delta HSN | The HSN was dropping nodes and not allowing nodes to reconnect | High Speed Connectivity | | COMPLETE |
2023-03-01: 1100 | 2023-03-01: 1115 | Radiant OpenStack Services | Changes to the OpenStack controller node to address networking performance issues | All OpenStack services were restarted to effect system configuration changes. The work was completed successfully and all services are available again | | COMPLETE |
2023-02-25 | NCSA email | A mail loop caused routing and processing problems. | Mail routing and delivery was blocked. | | COMPLETE | |
HOLL-I | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all nodes and services will be unavailable | | COMPLETE | ||
2023-02-16 ~14:15 | 2023-02-16 ~14:25 | cerberus4 | mis-configuration caused roughly 50% of connections to be dropped | 50% of connections in and out dropped | help+security@ncsa | COMPLETE |
2023-02-10 0910 | 2023-02-10 0915 | web site | restarting the system | no web pages from will be available | | COMPLETE |
02/08/2023 1800 | 02/09/2023 0000 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
1215 | 1230 | Jira | Jira will be restarted to fix stuck notification emails. | Jira will unavailable during this time. | Also posted to #announce (Slack) | COMPLETE |
11:18 | 15:02 | ICCP head node login and golub compute resources | Lost network connectivity for golub infrastructure | ICCP head node logins (ie and golub compute resources | RESOLVED | |
1200 | 1300 | Jira | Jira offline for service restart to fix stuck emails. | Jira will unavailable during this time. | | COMPLETED |
01/25/2023 0800 | 01/25/2023 0830 | NCSA LDAP | rolling LDAP restarts of redundant servers to deploy new schema file | Minimal impact for service restarts | COMPLETED | |
2023-01-19 1310 | 2023-01-19 1330 | Jira | Jira offline for reboot to fix Boards. | Jira will unavailable during this time. | | COMPLETE |
0800 | 1700 | ICCP | ICCP Quarterly Maintenance | All ICCP services | RESOLVED | |
2023-01-13 1200 | 2023-01-13 1230 | Jira | Jira offline for dashboard fixes. | Jira will unavailable during this time. | | COMPLETED |
2023-01-12 0800 | 2023-01-13 1230 | Jira | Minor issues noticed in Jira likely caused by the upgrade yesterday evening. | Gadgets and dashboards are having issues. | RESOLVED | |
2023-01-11 0700 | 2023-01-12 1200 | Nightingale | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All Nightingale servers and services will be unavailable (other than the ngale-bastion* nodes) Maintenance has been extended until noon Thu, Jan 12 due to complications with firmware update on the Lustre storage appliance. | |
2023-01-12 0700 | 2023-01-12 0715 | NCSA VPN | Router Migration | The NCSA VPN was migrated to a different upstream router. Users were briefly disconnected. | | COMPLETED |
0600 | 0615 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab upgrade | All GitLab services were unavailable for a few minutes while it upgraded to the latest version. | COMPLETED | |
06:40 1/9/2023 | 2023-01-11 2100 | vSphere in 3003 | One of the storage appliances serving started access issues. This has caused issues with 19vms. | crashplan has returned to service | | COMPLETED |
2023-01-11 1730 | 2023-01-11 1915 | Jira | Jira software upgrade | Jira will be unavailable while software upgrades are applied. | |
1/9/2023 6:40am | 1/11/2023 various | vSphere in 3003 | One of the storage appliances serving had access issues. Data was moved to different storage for affected VMs. |, gecat,,, astro, edream, caiiwp,, internal-dev, cmdb-dev-kimber7,, avl-test, mharp - ergo,, ncsa30, bluewaters - 2018-03-05. | |
12/23/2022 6:30pm | 12/27/2022 1:30pm | Taiga | Single OST is failing to re-mount following failover | File system is unavailable | |
0530 | 0600 | Wireless at NCSA building. | Router Upgrade | Tech Services will be upgrading their NCSA building router which will effect wireless at the NCSA building. Downtime will be estimated at 15 mins. | |
0800 | 1200 | Radiant | System maintenance | OpenStack:
| |
15 Dec 2022 0900 | 15 Dec 2022 0935 | NCSA Kerberos | NCSA's Read-Write KDC is being upgraded | Password changes and new accounts are being queued for completion after the upgrade. | |
0600 | 0615 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab was upgraded to latest version | All GitLab services was unavailable for a few minutes. | COMPLETED | |
12-01-2022 0600 | 12-01-2022 0700 | NCSA VPN | Software Upgrades | The appliances hosting the NCSA VPN were patched. Users experienced a brief disconnect as load is failed over between the appliances. The anyconnect client was upgraded at this time | | RESOLVED |
1130 | 1400 | NCSA identity password resets | The password reset process is not completing. | Users password resets were queued and then applied when the issue was fixed. Users who tried to change their password should find there password is now set to the password of their last attempt. | | RESOLVED |
| capnjack (license server) | Changes to IPTABLES | Unknown servers. Licenses affected are IDL, PGI, Intel, MATLAB, Abaqus, Sention LM, Luda, Ansys, CDL, Adaptive, Converge, CFD, RLM Type, rr_ld | re: SVCPLAN-1465 |
2022-11-16 1042 | 2022-11-16 1351 | CILogon | Docker Swarm failure | CILogon services were unavailable. See: | | RESOLVED |
2022-11-15 0700 | 2022-11-15 1700 | HOLL-I | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all nodes and services will be unavailable | | COMPLETED |
vForge / license servers | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all nodes and services will be unavailable | | COMPLETED | ||
2022-11-10 11:00 | 2022-11-10 11:50 | ASD Vsphere, specifically vm's using the tintri storage appliance. | Network connections were upgraded to 25G speed. | There was no disruption of service with this work. | | COMPLETED |
2022-11-07 0900 | 2022-11-07 0958 | | Physical Machine Move from 3003 to NPCF | The SET managed Grafana/InfluxDB instance will be unavailable | | COMPLETED |
2022-11-04 1900 | 2022-11-04 1930 | SET Taiga | SET caused a failover of tgio02 and then failed back. This fixed the mounting issue. | Clients with taiga currently mounted may experience slow or stopped IO during the failover. Failover completed properly and solved the mounting issue. | | COMPLETED |
2022-11-03 1132 | 2022-11-04 1930 | Delta | Taiga filesystem (/taiga/ and /projects/) problem on dt-login01 and dt-login02 | The issue is limited to dt-login01 and dt-login02. Commands attempting to access /taiga/ or /projects/ on these nodes will hang. Users are advised to use dt-login03 or the "round robin" address UPDATE: dt-login01 and dt-login02 are fully functional again and back in the DNS "round robin". | | COMPLETED |
2022-11-03 0048 | 2022-11-03 0106 | SET Taiga | tgio02 and tgio04 failed over | OSTs on the two nodes were inaccessible until the reboots were complete. This is a known issue with a vendor patch in progress. | | COMPLETED |
2022-11-03 0600 | 2022-11-03 0615 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab was upgraded to latest version | All GitLab services was unavailable for a few minutes. | COMPLETED | |
2022-11-02 1700 | 2022-11-02 2000 | DNS Services | Patching for out of cycle security updates. | DNS1 and DNS2 will be patched and rebooted (staggered) to applied needed updates. | | COMPLETED |
2022-11-01 1800 | 2022-11-02 0000 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETED |
0800 | 0830 | | Enable Duo Universal Prompt | NCSA Identity Provider will now use Duo Universal Prompt | | COMPLETED |
2022-10-25 0800 | 2022-10-25 0900 | NCSA building 1st Floor Wifi / Security Cameras | Tech Services is replacing a networking switch on the 1st for of the NCSA building that powers the Access Points on the first floor. | This should be a short down time, but the access points will reboot while we migrate cables to the new switch. | | COMPLETED |
2022-10-19 07:00 | 2022-10-20 07:15 | Some SSH Bastion Hosts | Out-of-Cycle reboot needed after failed patching. Will reboot tomorrow at 07:00am | | | COMPLETED |
2022-10-18 15:00 | 2022-10-18 15:30 | Radiant instance creation/management | system setting changes | No noticeable impact | | COMPLETE |
2022-10-18 12:00 | 2022-10-18 12:05 | identity, email to NCSA addresses | system updates | 1 minute window to cause email delays and identity frontend unavailable | | COMPLETE |
2022-10-14 2200 | 2022-10-15 | NCSA office firewall upgrade | Upgrading code on the office firewall. | Office networks will be offline during this upgrade. | | COMPLETE |
2022-10-13 1700 | 2022-10-13 1800 | SSLVPN Maintenance | The second member of the HA pair will be put back into service. | The second member was added with no outage. | | COMPLETE |
2022-10-12 11:00 | 2022-10-12 12:00 | ASD Vsphere, specifically vm's using the tintri storage appliance. | Network connection on tintri storage box were switch to new hardware but their speed was unchanged. Additional work will need to be scheduled to complete the speed increase. | This had no service impact. | | INCOMPLETE |
2022-10-10 0000 | 2022-10-10 1040 | NCSA VPN | The NCSA VPN had a member of the HA pair fail and licensing didn't fail over. | Users were unable to connect to the VPN until the licensing issue was resolved. | | COMPLETE |
2022-10-03 0800 | 2022-10-03 0845 | HOLL-I | install security updates and reboot | | COMPLETE | |
2022-09-30 0600 | 2022-09-30 0615 | NCSA GitLab | GitLab was upgraded to latest version | All GitLab services were unavailable for a few minutes. | COMPLETE | |
2022-09-27 1100 | 2022-09-28 1700 | odd numbered bastion hosts (cerberus1, cerberus3, ache-bastion-1, ngale-bastion-1, etc.) | puppet code refactoring for SSH configs | More changes were pushed out around 5p on 2022-09-28 and we believe the SSHD config issues are resolved. You can use the even numbered (cerberus2, cerebrus4) bastions as a work-around if any issues persist. | | RESOLVED |
2022-09-28 0930 | 2022-09-28 1050 | Jira outgoing email | outgoing email degraded | Jira failed to send some/most outgoing email during this time frame. | | RESOLVED |
2022-09-24 1445 | 2022-09-25 1045 | Granite | Building power outage caused Disk Storage Unit to power cycle | Any user operations on the cluster were interrupted and unavailable until resolution. | | COMPLETE |
2022-09-21 0800 | 2022-09-21 0930 | HOLL-I | Change CS-2 execution mode to Pipelined | Execution mode of the CS-2 was changed from Weight Streaming to Piplined. | | COMPLETE |
2022-09-08 0800 | 2022-09-10 1100 | Granite | Granite Bi-annual Maintenance (now back in service) | Any ingest or retrieval to/from the Archive | slack-id: briandi | COMPLETE |
2022-09-09 0943 | 2022-09-09 1457 | Jira | outgoing email degraded | Jira failed to send some/most outgoing email during this time frame. | | COMPLETE |
2022-09-08 | 2022-09-08 1010: license servers 2022-09-09 | vForge / license servers | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | all nodes and services will be unavailable | | COMPLETE |
0500 | 0600 | ASD VM services net | Routing in the switch stacks is being swiched from NCSA 3003 to NPCF | All systems on the 141.142.192.x network will be unreachable for up to 5 minutes. | | COMPLETE |
2022-08-31 1800 | 2022-09-01 0700 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were be unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
1730 | 1830 | Jira | Jira service will be restarted | Jira will not be available | | COMPLETE |
08-24-22 1830 | 08-26-22 0800 | Granite Tape Archive | FS crash and lockup | A few files that were transferred into the archive shortly before the crash needed to be re-transferred. | slack-id: briandi | COMPLETE |
2022-08-17 1200 | n/a | All LSST hosts at NCSA | Servers will be shutoff and retired. | All LSST servers and services at NCSA. | | COMPLETE |
2022-08-17 0700 | 2022-08-17 1320 | Nightingale | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All Nightingale servers and services will be unavailable (other than the ngale-bastion* nodes) | | COMPLETE |
2022-08-16 0700 | HOLL-I | Quarterly Planned Maintenance | All HOLL-I servers and services will be unavailable 2022-08-16 1505 - HOLL-I cluster return to service, but CS-2 remains offline for further work; CS-2 expected return to service by 2022-08-17 1000 2022-08-17 1305 - HOLL-I CS-2 is returned to service | | COMPLETE | |
2022-08-09 2000 | 2022-08-09 2300 | Office Networks on 2nd Floor | Code updates on office network switches. | Office ports will be offline as switches reboot. | | COMPLETE |
2022-08-10 2000 | 2022-08-10 2300 | Office Networks on 3rd Floor | Code updates on office network switches. | Office ports will be offline as switches reboot. | | COMPLETE |
2022-08-11 2000 | 2022-08-11 2300 | Office Networks on 4th Floor | Code updates on office network switches. | Office ports will be offline as switches reboot. | | COMPLETE |
2022-08-03 0900 | 2022-08-03 1000 | NPCF Center-wide management firewalls | Secondary firewall will be upgraded | No impact to services is anticipated. Traffic will flow normally through the primary firewall as the secondary is upgraded. | | COMPLETE |
2022-07-27 0940 | 2022-07-28 15:36 | ACHE, Nightingale | Several accounts have had their Covered Entity status revoked | Affected users/accounts will not be able to access resources that requires Covered Entity enrollment | RESOLVED | |
2022-07-27 0900 | 2022-07-27 1000 | NPCF Center-wide management firewalls | Primary firewall will be upgraded | No impact to services is anticipated. Traffic will be failed over to the secondary firewall, the primary will be updated, and then traffic will be moved back to the primary. | | COMPLETE |
0900 | 0915 | Jira | Additional LDAP group will be added for exclusion to sync with LDAP users. | In theory, nothing. | | COMPLETE |
0800 | 2000 | ICC | ICC Quarterly Maintenance | All ICC services | COMPLETE | |
2022-07-19 0700 | 2022-07-19 0900 | Radiant | Victoria Update | Minimally disruptive, brief interruptions to OpenStack services, such as the Horizon dashboard | | COMPLETE |
2022-07-14 2345 | 2022-07-14 2359 | Wiki | The service will be restarted in order to increase the login timeout. | Wiki will be unavailable for about 5 mins while it restarts. | COMPLETE | |
2022-07-08 1700 | 2022-07-11 0800 | LSST hosts in NCSA 3003 | Due to a full building power outage at NCSA on Sunday, 10 July, some LSST servers will be unavailable over the weekend. Servers will be shutdown at COB on Friday and returned to service on Monday morning. | lsst-dbb-fts1 lsst-dbb-rucio lsst-demo lsst-dm-monitor lsst-int-monitor lsst-mon-dev lsst-pup lsst-test5 lsst-xfer l1-cl-arctl l1-cl-fault l1-cl-header nts-ccamfwdr1 nts-acamfwdr2 nts-acamfwdr1 | | COMPLETE |
2022-07-11 08:30 | 2-22-07-11 9:30 | All ITSM (CMDB) VMs | All ITSM VMs are currently down. Ticket has been created to get them brought back up. | Production CMDB service (openDCIM) is not available | | RESOLVED |
NCSA building power | Building power feed work for multiple campus Buildings | AVL, LSST, ISL and Software standard services were down from Friday afternoon until Monday morning. | Daniel Lapine | COMPLETE | ||
2022-07-8 1600 | 2022-07-11 0900 | cerberus2 and cerberus4 | Campus is doing work on a common feed that affects multiple buildings, include the NCSA Building. Work is scheduled from 0700-1700, but may finish early | VM hosts running these 2 bastions will be down for the weekend due to the scheduled power work at NCSA | | COMPLETE |
2022-07-06 1730 | 2022-07-06 2030 | Wiki ( | Confluence and MySQL upgrades | wiki will be down during the upgrade | COMPLETE | |
2022-07-05 1800 | 2022-07-05 2130 | NCSA File & Print Servers | Scheduled Windows Server Maintenance | File & Print Shares were unavailable during maintenance. Users were unable to access shares on Fileserver (e.g. home, busnoff, hr, etc.), and printing was unavailable. | | COMPLETE |
2022-07-05 1800 | N/A | iForge | end of service | iForge was removed from service. Operations have moved to the new vForge virtual cluster. | | RESOLVED |