Table of Contents
Checking In
Check-in will begin by 8:00am on Thursday, June 12. Continental breakfast will be available 8:00-8:30am.
A detailed Workshop Agenda is now available. Highlights include:
The NDS Vision
- invited talks from various viewpoints, including
- Ed Seidel, NCSA
- Mike Stebbins, OSTP
- Phillip Bourne, NIH
- Dean B. Crafft, Cornell
- IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Elsevier
- we will try to address quiestions like
- what should an NDS do for researchers and the public?
- how should it be built?
- how do people (stakeholders) fit in?
- how do we fund it?
The NDS Framework
We'll hear a set invited talks that look at how we build the NDS both technically and as a consortium.
Building on Existing Communities
We'll hear from three examples of community federations and consider how we can build on the infrastructure they are putting into place.
This is a series of short contributions touching on issues important to the NDS.
We'll have a four parallel break-out discussions on the following topics:
- Organizing the Consortium (Governance, roles, meetings)
- Data Discovery: connecting different communities and techniques together
- Repositories: technologies and federation
- Publishing: IDs, the publishing process, role of publishers, tools
These will feature open discussions of the challenges and requirements for the NDS. Discussions will be followed by brief reports.
The Vision for Success
This will be a facilitated discussion to understand what we must achieved to consider the NDS a success.
Reception and Dinner
We have a reception and dinner at the Millennium Harvest House Hotel (1345 Twenty-Eight Street) on Thursday evening.
The reception will feature some Mad Minutes, an informal chance to share in 3 minutes or less something about a project or issue relevant to the NDS.
5:45pm | Shuttle Bus departs Center Green for Hotel |
6:00 | Reception |
6:30 | Mad Minutes |
7:00 | Dinner |
The Millennium Harvest House shuttle will be available to bring attendees back to the Residence Inn and the Center Green campus up until 10pm.
Call for Position Papers
Are you already working in the area of data discovery and/or publishing? Do you represent a stakeholder with special requirements? Have you developed a piece of technology that you feel is relevant to a national data infrastructure?
We would like to collect your perspectives on data discovery, access, publishing, and re-use via position papers that we will share with the Consortium. You may submit a 1-4 page document in PDF format by emailing it to by June 9.
Requesting to Give a Lightning Talk
We invite attendees to consider presenting a "lightning talk"–a short presentation limited to 5 minutes and 3 slides. Lightning talks should address some issue, technology, or lesson learned which might be relevant to building and operating a national data service. We expect to accommodate 5-10 presentations in the schedule.
If you would like to give one of these presentations, please send an email to with the Subject "Workshop Lightning Talk" with the following information.
- Your name
- Your institution
- The name of the project(s) you are working on relevant to the NDS (if different from your institution)
- A title for your presentation
- A short abstract. (Since the presentation is short, your abstract need only be a clarifying sentence or two.)
Please submit your request by June 4.
Attendee List
The list of attendees is here.