DPM = the directorate project manager

OM = Office Manager

Group Lead = group lead, the manager of the new employee

 PPP = Project Point Person, the point of contact for a given project the new employee is assigned to

The DPM should check in with individuals listed below to ensure they are completing their assigned responsibilities as new staff come on board.


Arrange for computer equipment from IT

Prior to first dayHR
Purchase Jetbrains licensePrior to first dayRob Kooper
Coordinate with HR on first day schedule and confirm NetID to share with othersPrior to first dayPM

Put on team, project, software mailing lists

  • SD mailing list - Admin Asst
Prior to first dayPPP / OM

Add to regular meeting invites and provide context to team member

  • Monthly Meetings - Admin Asst
  • Group Meetings - Group Lead
  • Project Meetings - Project Point
Prior to first dayPPP / GL / OM
Add to any necessary shared drivesPrior to first dayPPP

Welcome email from directorate

First DayPM, cc'ing group lead and project points
Meeting with HRFirst Day


Keys/ID cardFirst Day*HR, coordinating with Facilities
Meet Tech Services Team - help with computer setup (should include computer access, network port, UC/exchange access, phone setup.First Day*IT *Review this process once on-site work is back in force
Second Floor TourFirst Day*OM
Opensource account creation https://identity.ncsa.illinois.edu/join/PQWLU6UIFTFirst DayEmployee
Add to Opensource groupsFirst DayPPP
Create slack account https://ncsa-at-illinois.slack.com/signupFirst DayEmployee
Give employee Slack access to sd-general and sd-tech and provide an introduction to the groupFirst DayPM
Meetings with project teamsFirst WeekPPP
Introduce at next staff meetingFirst MonthDirector
Order business cards, if desiredASAPOM
Show them where their mailbox is located in the kitchenASAPOM
Ask for shirt size/color & order NCSA polo shirt (pending)ASAPOM


Hello Rashmil,

Welcome! We're very excited to have you back at NCSA full-time! You already know me, Jong, Chen, and Chris, of course - with Chris being your manager going forward. I believe you may also know our Office Manager Lisa Yanello.

HR should be coordinating with you on any remaining administrative aspects of your hire and setting up an initial meeting. You can expect to work remotely your first day - many of our staff are hybrid, and work a Tues-Thurs schedule in the office, and Chris is full-time remote. Chris, Jong, and Chen will set up 1:1s with you on Monday to discuss NCSA and the projects you'll be working on. 

On Tuesday, please plan to come in and meet with Jennifer, who will have the key to your office. Lisa Yanello can meet you afterward and give you a tour of the Software Directorate's offices; she will also be adding you to various calendar invites, including an upcoming Software directorate meeting on Wednesday at 2.

Lastly, please feel free to reach out with any other questions you may have. Once again, welcome, and talk to you soon!

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