Blog from November, 2011

Work Completed

    • Lucene index is now written to disk. One additional tweak (noted in the source code) to this would be for the server to have a properties file to specify where the lucene index should be written or the index might fail to get created if the folder permissions are not correct.
    • I started updating search, but haven't tested it yet. Most of the code is there, it just needs to be tested and checked in.
    • I created another eAIRS parameter tool (based on the first) that implements CyberintegratorToolTupelo interface. This only required minor code changes from the existing tool, but the new tool is provided access to the Tupelo context and can write metadata, if needed. The interface differences between CyberintegratorToolTupelo and CyberintegratorToolFile are minor.
    • Built and deployed eAIRS locally for testing since we were having issues with correct versions of interfaces being built. It turns out that you have to be careful building with Maven because if you have old versions of a project already built, it might include the old jar instead of the new one (build order matters). Wiping out local copies of the projects forces the build order to be done properly.
    • Attended Monday Staff meeting via skype
    • Attended Tupelo meeting in Champaign.

Work Planned

    • Continue working on KISTI eAIRS-web. The lucene index should be written to disk and should be updated when a user submits a workflow. The search view needs to be updated to limit search by user or by all users. I also plan to create a tupelo-tool version of the eAIRS parameters tool to make it easier to add metadata from within the tool.
    • Attend 10am staff meeting on November 7th
    • Drive to Champaign to attend Tupelo meeting on November 11th.


This week went as planned.

Work Completed

    • Revised KISTI final report on Saturday October 29th and sent my revisions to Jong for final adjustments before submission.
    • Attended Staff meeting
    • Split Browse and Search into separate views. I also added a temporary Lucene index that gets built when eAIRS-web starts to provide search capabilities for published workflows. This still needs to be expanded so that when a new workflow is published it needs to get added to the index. We also should have something more permanent so the lucene index doesn't always need to get regenerated.
    • Updated Simulation Monitoring view's download button to call the REST endpoing that Jong created for downloading workflow outputs as a zip. Luigi helped correct some minor bugs in both the front-end and back-end code.
    • Tested eAIRS-web to make sure everything was working for the KISTI demo. Once this was complete, I recorded an end-to-end screencast highlighting the features implemented so far.

Work Planned

    • eAIRS-web Search and Browse need to be split into separate views and the UI and backend still need work. For the demo we should add a lucene index that gets built on startup based on what is found in the repository.
    • Look into a bug that causes the last run workflow to be seen in the Browse published workflow views.
    • Update Simulation Monitoring view download button to call out to the REST service to download the output data for that workflow
    • Test eAIRS-web functionality and Record video demo of eAIRS-web
    • Attend Staff meeting at 10am on October 31.
    • Revise KISTI final report over the weekend (October 29th)


This week went as planned.