Blog from February, 2011

Work Completed

  • MAEviz
    • On Monday we solved the issue of the Synergy special iteration case and then between the rest of Monday and Tuesday I tested the solution, added an example of using a style to color an analysis output, and documented parts of the code that would help the Synergy developers complete their tasks for the Hungarian exercise.
    • Resolved an issue with MAEviz launching under 64 bit windows. The Eclipse 64 bit launcher was not included in the product file.
    • Discussed briefly with Jong about getting started on the KISTI project and what lies ahead. We will setup a meeting to discuss design strategies for the upcoming project.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Started cleaning up undesirable UI contributions from Eclipse plugins. I provided some screenshots to Rob to ensure that I was on the right track for what he wanted cleaned up as part of CBI-118. I haven't checked in the code yet since I didn't have write privileges to SVN.

Work Planned

    • If contract is completed, begin project to create a Web application version of eAIRs.
  • MAEviz
    • Assist Synergy visitors with issue running a special iteration case
    • Document new analyses created for Synergy visitors
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Work on cleaning up undesireable UI contributions from Eclipse plugins


This week went as planned. Next week I will continue working on Cyberintegrator and KISTI.

Work Completed

  • MAEviz Workshop
    • Travelled to Champaign on Wednesday morning
    • Met with SYNERGY visitors from Wednesday afternoon through Friday. I gave a short introduction to Eclipse RCP development and MAEviz extension points. The visitors had a list of MAEviz/Eclipse questions that we went through. We discussed their MAEviz exercise and strategies to implement their new analyses. We also went through creating a new analysis that could be the basis for their exercise.
  • Medici
    • Attended Monday staff meeting using Skype.
    • Fixed MMDB-1128, removing a dataset from a collection doesn't check for null collection beans, which is possible if a dataset was part of a collection that was deleted.
    • Fixed MMDB-1129, MyDatasetsView does not provide a popup menu. Since a context menu was not attached to this view, none of the right click actions such as add tag, add annotation, etc were available in this view. A Dataset had to be part of a collection so it was viewable in the Gallery in order to add a tag.
    • Fixed MMDB-1112, added a remove collection option to the Collection view.
    • Resolved [MMDB-726|, delete tag in desktop client. This issue had been fixed, but not closed.
    • Resolved MMDB-1081, desktop client should login from within application. All that remains is the main issue of anonymous login that is mostly a server side issue. Once an anonymous role is created, the desktop client anonymous button can be enabled and tested. The anonymous issue, MMDB-1072 remains open.
    • Resolved MMDB-1110, improve recent additions view. This view displays both the latest uploads by session or the last 10 based on the toolbar menu.
  • Cyberintegrator
    • Rob gave me a short introduction to Cyberintegrator, which I will be doing some work on in the next few months. We walked through some examples and some of the core classes/interfaces in Friday afternoon.

Work Planned

  • MAEviz Workshop
    • Travel to Champaign on Wednesday morning to meet with SYNERGY visitors interested in MAEviz from Wednesday afternoon through Friday
    • Prepare introductory Eclipse/MAEviz slides
  • Medici
    • Attend Medici Staff meeting on Monday at 10am
    • Wrap up UI improvement work
  • Other
    • Meet with Terry/Rob to discuss TRECC funding work


Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Attended Wednesday staff meeting
    • Resolved MMDB-1073, I put the finishing touches on the login dialog by adding Anonymous button for logging in anonymously. When the backend supports this, we just need to enable this button (current it is disabled) and anonymous login should work.
    • Resolved MMDB-1074, all welcome screen code is checked in and working as expected.
    • Resolved MMDB-1099, I put the finishing touches on the 3 defined perspectives (Import, Data Browsing, Execution). I also made static references to the view's ID from the class itself so if the package changes, perspectives will still work (all views were originally hard coded).
    • Resolved MMDB-1104, I renamed Image Dropbox to just Dropbox.
    • Resolved MMDB-1106, the desktop search query for the gallery displayed the wrong dataset count. Zero was not an expected dataset count so when a search query tried to display the results in the Gallery, instead of saying 1 Dataset, it would say 1 of 0 datasets. This is fixed.
    • Resolved MMDB-1107, I reorganized the top level menus a little, I removed unwanted commands contributed from Eclipse core plugins (such as show key assist, which has no relevance for us). I also added a few more options such to show titles and dates in both ascending and descending order, previously only ascending was allowed, but even this was no obvious from the menu label (Sort -> Date).
    • Worked on MMDB-1110, the Recent Additions view only displayed what was uploaded in the current session. With two defined commands and some minor modifications, we could toggle between showing the datasets uploaded in the current session and the last 10 datasets uploaded (similar to the web client). This will be resolved shortly once all testing is complete.
    • Worked on MMDB-1112, add remove collection command to desktop client. A bug remains that I am tracking down. Where if you select a collection, remove it, select another collection and then click "add collection" and add a collection, the currently selected collection is unselected. It should remain selected.

Work Planned

  • Medici, main focus is working on UI Improvements
    • Staff meeting at 2pm on Wednesday
    • MMDB-1073 - Create login dialog box for desktop client
    • MMDB-1074 - Add welcome screen to desktop client with short introduction
    • MMDB-1099 - Add perspectives to organize views by primary task focus
    • MMDB-1104 - Image dropbox should have a more general name
    • MMDB-1106 - Desktop query returns incorrect dataset count
    • MMDB-1107 - Cleanup top-level menus to make them more intuitive
    • MMDB-1109 - Desktop client doesn't fire subject added event when a dataset is added
    • MMDB-1110 - Improve recent additions view
    • MMDB-1112 - Add remove collection command to desktop client


This week went as planned. Next week I will be in Champaign on Wed/Thurs/Fri to discuss MAEviz with some researchers interested in the project.

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Attended Monday January 31, 2011 staff meeting via skype
    • Worked on MMDB-1074, add a welcome screen to the desktop client. I ran into an Eclipse fixed-layout bug and ran a solution by Rob/Luigi/Joel to change from a single perspective to multiple perspectives as had been discussed before as part of the UI redesign. I will continue working on the welcome screen content this week.
    • Worked on MMDB-1099, add perspectives to organize views. This is still a work in progress to come up with the view combination for each perspective. I have a first cut checked in and will continue to refine it.
    • Worked on MMDB-1081, desktop client login from within application. This included bug fixes caused by the login process change. I also changed the current splash to show a progress bar.

Work Planned

  • Medici
    • Attend Monday staff meeting
    • MMDB-1074, Add welcome screen to desktop client
    • MMDB-1081, Desktop client users should login from within application
    • MMDB-1099, Add perspectives to organize Medici views


This week went as planned. I took a personal day on Wednesday February 2nd.