1. (Optional) create user and switch to this user (example: cyberintegrator)
  2. download the correct binary at https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/jenkins/job/Repository%20Server%20Headless/
  3. unzip the binary
  4. Place context.xml
    1. Acquire example context.xml file
      wget --no-check-certificate -q -O context.xml https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/confluence/download/attachments/589837/context.xml
    2. Replace database name (db_name), user name (db_user), user password (db_pass) for the repository database, and the location of data storage, then create a new context file (kisti.xml)
      sed -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_SCHEMA" />#db_name#" \
          -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_USER" />#db_user#" \
          -e "s#<at:var at:name="DB_PASS" />#db_pass#" \
          -e "s#<at:var at:name="FOLDER" />#data_storage_location#" context.xml > kisti.xml
    3. Copy the new context file to ~/NCSA/ContextServer/context.xml
      cp kisti.xml ~/NCSA/ContextServer/context.xml
  5. install the startup script
    1. copy the Cyberintegrator Server script to repository-server
    2. modify the script according to your setting
    3. make file executable
      sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/repository-server
    4. update rc and start the server
      sudo update-rc.d repository-server defaults
      sudo /etc/init.d/repository-server start
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