Uploading files to Finance Feeder Tool

This process will walk through how to upload Banner Feeder files to complete submission to Banner.

  • Go to obfs.uillinois.edu and in the Log in to box, click the drop-down arrow and choose Finance Feeder Front End:

  • The next screen will prompt for your log-in information:

  • The screen defaults to AR Upload. This screen enables the user to upload Accounts Receivable feeder files. NCSA currently does not process these. So to go to the JV Upload screen, click on Upload, then JV:

  • The JV Upload screen will show and you can click Choose File to select your feeder file to upload from there:

  • An Open prompt will appear, select the JV feeder file you want to upload and click Open.

  • A page with the document name will show up. Click Upload File To Banner:

  • The screen will show a message saying “Please wait while we check the file for formatting or permission issues.” Once that is done, another page confirming to continue the process will appear on the screen:

  • One can then check the status of the uploaded JV by clicking Status then JV:

  • The Status page will show the progress of the JV. One can also click Refresh Results to update the status on the page. Once the JV feeder file finishes uploading and processing, the Status changes to File processing complete. X transactions successfully uploaded. 0 transactions with errors and a document icon appears next to the screen like the previous uploaded transaction.

  • Once finished processing, the document icon will appear and will open in a separate window when clicked:

  • The uploader will also receive an e-mail from OBFS with the same information such as the DT number that is the reference number in Banner:

  • Go back to the feeder file and update the file name to include the service name and the Banner reference number, then move to Uploaded folder:

Mark JVs as Posted

Once the feeder file posts, update the Voucher Number on MIS to complete the process.

  • If there is only one Banner document number for the feeder file, the simply enter the DT number on the blank space provided and click Mark JVs Submitted:

  • However, if there are several activity codes or services uploaded, each one should be marked separately for easier querying in the future. In this example, there were 3 Banner documents that came from the uploaded feeder file – one for each activity code/service. There were also only 3 invoices for the Storage Condo VM and Storage Condo Custom, so we open those invoices on new tabs and manually enter the appropriate number and hit Submit.

  • When the page opens up, enter the DT number on the page and hit Repeat this for all related invoices:

  • The status under J Voucher should change to Completed by username on MM/DD/YYYY, and the clickable options should also disappear on the left-most column:

  • Once all invoices have been marked, the remaining service with the most transactions should stay in the listing. We can now mark the remainder with the appropriate DT number:

  • A pop-up question will appear, click OK

  • Once done, there should be no remaining items under the Records to submit to feeder:

  • MIS also automatically sends an e-mail for each invoice that has been completed like this:

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