
Overpayments may occur due to administrative error, job records not ended on time, work schedule/default hours not ended correctly, data entry/time reporting errors during time entry, or switches from AP to CS employee type. When HR tries to process overpayments on grants they will get the error below in HRFE. To fix an overpayment, a PZAREDS of the overpayment, a GC91 (for overpayments on grant funds), and an overpayment adjustment transaction in ANA needs to be completed.

When an overpayment occurs:

  1. HR notifies the employee of the overpayment.
    1. There is a sample letter on OBFS.
  2. HR requests PZAREDS to move the amount of the overpayment.
    1. HR needs to provide to the Business Office:
      1. Employee UIN
      2. The Pay ID and Pay Number that needs to be adjusted
  • The total overpayment amount for each period
  1. Business Office processes a PZAREDS for the total overpayment, moving it to 1-1000XX-320000-320001-A44.
    1. For example: Employee A is 50% AIFARMS grant, 10% CDA State, and 40% PMCO state. The total overpayment is $1,600 on MN1. We would move 50% of the overpayment ($800) off AIFARMS, 10% ($160) off CDA, and 40% ($640) off of the PMCO state fund. All overpayment funds ($1,600) would go onto 1-1000XX-320000-320001-A44 for tracking.
  2. Business Office sends a copy of the PZAREDS screenshot to HR to confirm the PZAREDS is completed.
    1. Include the PI’s name for any grant funds that were affected.
    2. Saves a copy of the email support from HR with the PZAREDS files.
  3. HR completes the Overpayment Adjustment transaction in ANA the next business day (after overnight processing).
    1. Enter an unrestricted CFOAPA to credit
      1. 1-1000XX-320000-320001-A44
    2. Enter an unrestricted CFOAPA to charge the payroll service fee
      1. 1-200250-320000-142351-320009-A01
    3. HR completes a GC-91 – Documentation of Payroll Overpayments to Sponsored Projects (FOR GRANTS ONLY).
      1. Link: https://www.obfs.uillinois.edu/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=223210
      2. The completed form needs sent to the Principal Investigator (PI) within 10 business days.
        1. CC the business office person on the grant to help remind the PI to complete it.
      3. This GC91 needs to be completed, signed by the Principal Investigator (PI) and submitted to the grants and contracts office within 30 days of submitting the ANA transaction.
        1. A completed GC-91 needs saved HR’s files and in the business office’s grant files.
      4. HR completes the ANA transaction.
        1. Select the check box in the ANA transaction certifying completion of required PZAREDS and submission of the GC-91 to Grants and Contracts (for grants only).
      5. UPB processes the overpayment adjustment.

OBFS Link for Overpayments with more situations and details:

Link: https://www.obfs.uillinois.edu/payroll/transaction-processing/overpayments/

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