Fields for the Commitments tool are defined below. Once the Commitments process is defined we will be able to take these fields and break them down into who is responsible to updating them and when. 

DirectorateSelect the PIs home directorate 
Payable / Receivable

If applicable: indicate if NCSA will be receiving payment (receivable) or NCSA will be paying (payable) 

Type of MOU

Indicate the type of MOU (List
If "other" is selected, identify the type of MOU 

MOU Short NameName of MOU 
MOU Short DescriptionShould be a high-level summary that includes the purpose of the commitment, the units involved ex (ICI/NCSA or Provost/NCSA) and anticipated dates. 
NCSA PIPerson at NCSA who is leading the MOU
NCSA Total Payable EstimateTotal financial amount for the duration of the MOU
Approximate DurationTotal duration of less than a year or years the MOU will cover 
NCSA Champion/ContactPerson will serve as the point of contact for completing the MOU. Champion is assigned by AD of the directorate. Should be the PI who is most invested.
Link to Box Folder
Anticipated State and End DateThe date the MOU should start and end. 
Reporting Frequency

How often should the MOU be reviewed? If reviewed on annual basis, provide the start date of the following year for the review date.  We only need this information if there is a reporting or review specifically written into the MOU.

MOU is an amendment to another MOU: Link to MOU that amendment will go to by providing the MOU ref_id field example 3

Other Unit Contribution: Monetary contributions – we need to know how much for the duration of the MOU

  • Department name: name of the department the MOU will be shared with
  • College name: college the department is in
  • Monetary contribution: how much the department will be contributing to the MOU 
NCSA Agreement Party

Who is agreeing to the MOU and should be signing the MOU 

If person is external to NCSA

  • agreeing party name 
  • agreeing party email
  • department three-digit code
  • non-NCSA approver email
NCSA ApproverPerson who approves of the MOU being place 
CFOP Paying

List the CFOP that will pay 

C- chart, F- Fund, O- Org, P- program, A- Activity ex 1-200250-320000-320009-320D26

CFOP ReceivingList the CFOP that will be receiving the transfer
Sum transferred fromThe amount that will be transferred 
CFOPA Funding Start DateDate for the funding can start to be transferred 
The start and end dates if the MOU is over three year period same distributions each year then enter the start and end date of the MOU.  If different amounts each year, then enter three records by each year of the MOU preferably FY and then the amount per year.
CFOP Funding End DateDate which the funding transfer should end


Sub-CommitmentsIn the sub-commitments is where you will begin to detail out the specific monetary details of the commitment. This section will not be detailed until the specifics of the commitment are known. 

Sub-Commitment NameShould include some of the same reference as the overall commitment title but also be more specific about what is being committed. 


These fields do not trigger any automated process, they are a field to trigger a manual check or not before paying the committed amount

Yes: Means that we know all the details and will not need to check on anything when the commitment is ready to pay

No: Means to check notes and follow up before paying the committed amount

How many Fiscal Years do you Anticipate?Fill in the number of years this agreement will cover

What is the starting Fiscal Year?Fill in the fiscal year that this agreement will begin

What is the projected recurring amount for this sub-commitment?We expect that almost all of our commitments will be non-recurring. Non-recurring = temporary, recurring = permanent. 

What is the projected non-recurring amount for this sub-commitment?Fill in the appropriate non-recurring amount for the commitment. We expect that almost all our commitments will be non-recurring. Non-recurring = temporary, recurring = permanent

Would you like the projected amount to be evenly distributed across each fiscal year?Select yes to spread the recurring/non-recurring amount evenly, or no if you would like to enter each years amount manually

Would you like to assign a default source account to each fiscal year?These default accounts get set up in the settings of this tool, selecting a default account here will make processing transfers "easier" as it will not have to be entered when the transfer is ready to process

Once you fill in the Sub-Commitments summary box it will bring you into the full sub-commitment sheet to fill out. The categories here are:

TitleThis will populate based on what you filled in the summary box


These status are the same that are available at the Commitment level

Active: Describes Commitments that are current and in use. Money or services are currently being transferred

Pending: This status represents any Commitment that has not yet been signed

Cancelled: This status represents any Commitment that was pending, but either was not agreed on, or we ended up deciding not to pursue, or the terms of the agreement were not met and the Commitment was ended.

Completed: This status represents a commitment that have had work done and come to the end of its performance period 

Chart SelectorWill be populated with the Urbana Chart number (1)


We have created categories based on activities that are useful to track for reporting purposes back to campus. You are able to select one category for each sub-commitment.

Accounts Receivable: For any commitment where we are receiving money from another department. Use "Create Receivables" under Receivables to create any MOUS where we are receiving money. 

Internal Retention: An internal retention commitment is a commitment to retain an employee from accepting another offered position

Internal Program Office: A program office commitment is an agreement between NCSA and an internal directorate/group for a specific purpose

Internal CDDR: A CDDR commitment is an agreement between NCSA and an internal directorate/group/person for a specific purpose, approved through the CDDR process.

Internal Dual Career: A commitment made to also make another hire within NCSA.

Internal Compute: A commitment made for a computing resource to a directorate/group/person within NCSA.

Internal Space: A commitment made for physical space within NCSA to a directorate/group/person within NCSA. 

Campus Student: A commitment made to support a student for another department on campus

Campus Faculty Fellows:

Campus Faculty Startup:

Campus Faculty Support:

Campus Space: A commitment made for physical space within NCSA to a department/staff/faculty outside of NCSA

Campus Retention: A commitment made with another department on campus to retain an employee of the University. 

Campus Dual Career: A commitment made to hire or support a new hire so another hire can be made.

Campus FTE: A Commitment to fund a person in full or in part with NCSA dollars

Campus Compute: A commitment made for computing resources to a department/staff/faculty outside of NCSA

Campus Communications: A commitment that promises support from the NCSA communications team. 


Yes: Means that we know all the details and will not need to check on anything when the commitment is ready to pay

No: means to check notes and follow up before paying the committed amount

CollegeSelect college that the sub-commitment is being sent too

Commitment Type

Firm, Money Locked: This amount has been vetted through the contract parties/Directorate lead/Commitment committee/Business office

Firm, Estimated: This amount has been vetted through contract parties/Directorate leads/Commitments committee. 

Tentative, Money Locked: This amount has been vetted through the contract parties/Directorate leads

Tentative, Estimated: This amount has been vetted through the contract parties. 

Support Length

Single Year: Commitment is no more than one year (<12 months) in length

Multi-Year: Commitment is more than one year, but a defined period (12+ months for a defined period of time)

Ongoing Support: Commitment is defined, with no defined end date

SchoolSelect school that the funds of the sub-commitment are being sent too

Report as Tentative



Default Budget Transfer Type

Non-Recurring/Temporary: A transfer that is made for a specific period of time

Recurring/Permanent: A transfer that is ongoing into the future


Select Department that funds of the sub-commitment is being sent too. 

**If you select Department first the other categories related to this will auto-populate

Primary ContactPrimary contact for this sub-commitment

Primary InvestigatorPrimary investigator for this sub-commitment

DescriptionEnter a description appropriate to summarize this commitment

Fiscal Years:

This should detail out the annual amounts that should be transferred on behalf of this agreement. Once the amounts are entered the transfers can be initiated from this screen. The status of the transfers will then appear in on this sheet.


Create Transfer: You will select this action when you need to enter the information about a transfer that needs to occur.

  • Source Account: where the funds will be transferred from
  • Destination Account: Where funds will be transferred too
  • Banner Feeder:
    • Unspecified: **we are not sure what happens when this is selected
    • OBSF Budget Office: Request goes to the OBFS Budget Office (Provost) for processing; resulting in a BU#
    • Gift Funds: Request goes to whoever is designated; sends that person a .csv to manually process a journal voucher
    • Investment Funds: request goes to whoever is designated; sends that person a .csv to manually process a journal voutcher
    • Plant Funds: request goes to Gerald Douglass; sends him a .csv to manually process a journal voucher
  • Type:
    • Non-Recurring/Temporary: A transfer that is made for a specific period of time
    • Recurring/Permanent: A transfer that is ongoing into the future
  • Checkbox "This is an Internal Transfer": This is used for if you are changing the activity code. It will not put any numbers in the transferred against and transferred to. It also won't go on to be verified and processed if you are "creating a transfer", instead of using the BAR form. 
  • Amount: Total amount to be transferred in this transaction
  • Banner Description: Pre populated with recommended description for matching to banner
  • Internal Comments: Comments for internal use
  • Checkbox "Ready for Verification and Batching": Checking this box sends the transaction on for verification. Once verified, it goes to our Transfer system for batching and processing. Left unchecked, nothing will happen and the transaction remains available for editing. 

Record External Transfer: Recording a transfer that has already occurred and you want to post against the commitment. 

  • Source Account: where the funds will be transferred from
  • Destination Account: Where funds will be transferred too
  • Amount: Total amount to be transferred in this transaction
  • Type:
    • Non-Recurring/Temporary: A transfer that is made for a specific period of time
    • Recurring/Permanent: A transfer that is ongoing into the future
  • Transaction Date: Date that the transaction occurred in Banner
  • Checkbox "This is an Internal Transfer": checking this box denotes that the transfer is internal (within NCSA). The workflow is not impacted at all. This option makes more sense for other colleges, like engineering. Engineering has its own instance of Commitments and can therefore make "internal" commitments to schools or units within itself. Ex. Engineering commitment to Electrical & Computer Engineering.
  • Banner ID/Document Number:Enter the Banner ID or document number that posted for this transaction
  • Banner Description: Enter description that posted in Banner
  • Internal Comments: Enter any relevant comments about this transfer. 

Delete Fiscal Year: This will remove the data for that fiscal year

Internal CommentsAny comments that we only want our department to see

Internal AttachmentsAny attachments we only want our department to see

Public CommentsAny comments any user should be able to see

Public AttachmentsAny Attachments that should be viewable for any user


Keywords can be added and created as needed, here are the ones we expect to use right now. All keywords created should add value to a user. 

Budget Carryforward: Should be used to denote when the balance from the previous year should be automatically rolled forward into the next year



Dual Career:

Faculty Fellows:

Faculty Startup:

Faculty Support:


Program Office




Banner Feeder batch reports are set at the Admin Level of the Transfer System - we will need to populate these batch recipients

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