Please consider these FAQs to be DRAFT as we learn more about the current and future state of MOUs at NCSA


What is an MOU?

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a type of agreement that serves to document arrangements between units, departments, and other partners. In this way, it serves both as an outline and reminder of expectations or obligations pertaining to specific projects, staff members, initiatives, or other commitments on behalf of each signatory and their respective groups. 

Why do I need an MOU?

NCSA uses MOUs to document expectations and outline responsibilities. The MOU is a tool that helps establish collaborative relationships and minimize risk to all parties involved by setting clear commitments for defined outcomes. 

How do I know it’s an MOU?

An MOU usually* involves the following:

  • Committing an NCSA resource such as staff time, use of facilities, storage, computing, etc.
  • For a defined period of time (with the ability to review for extension)
    • Campus Unit funded and NCSA donated
  • With either internal NCSA parties or parties external to NCSA
  • To complete one or more defined deliverables
  • For reimbursement or payment
  • HR sensitive and non-sensitive agreements, dual-career, service, and excess with other units
  • Center-wide, Directorate-specific, and individual agreements

What if my MOU doesn’t fit in these criteria and I don’t have another option?

These are the general criteria for MOUs:

  • In the past, we may have used the MOU format when another option may have been more effective (SOW, Letter of Support, etc.)
  • In the future, NCSA leadership may make the choice to use an MOU for a commitment outside of these specific parameters

What if I don't think the criteria make sense for my commitment?

These criteria are provided for guidance:

  • Criteria should not interfere with NCSA’s ability to effectively document and manage commitments
  • Good judgment by leadership shall drive the final decision on whether an MOU should be implemented
Who is on the Commitments Working Group (CWG)?The CWG is chaired by the MOU coordinator, and made up of experts from the Business Office, HR, Facilities, PM's, as well as teammates experienced in commitment management at NCSA 
What does the CWG do?

The CWG advises MOU Coordinator and Champion on edits needed in MOU 

What is a Champion?A champion of an MOU is the person who has vested interest in the MOU, and may be assigned by the Directorate AD ie, service manager, directorate AD, PI, manager, project manager
What does the Champion do for the MOU?Champions' role is to fill out the MOU tool and complete the MOU template and work with the MOU coordinator on edits as needed to the MOU
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