LD (labor distributions) request (do these always/only come in through the faaccount email system?):

  • These are generally submitted as screenshots through email to faaccount@ncsa.illinois.edu and should have the relevant CFOP included as part of the screenshot.
  • Pull the CFOP up in BA and verify the account is open and active, and request any corrections from the person submitting the request.
  • Make sure there are sufficient funds on the account (currently this is just your best guess based on BA or Banner information you can find).
  • Email the PI to approve the charge. Can also email the person from the outside-NCSA department submitting the request to see if they have documentation of PI approval. Might be faster.
  • Assuming everything checks out, reply all to the email with ‘approved’. NOTE: make sure to add the requester back to the email thread as relying all doesn’t automatically include them.
  • If the person is NOT present in the Staff Plan tool in Savannah (Home/Staff Plan) then add them to a spreadsheet for tracking purposes as this is the only way you’ll be able to forecast their expense on the grant they’re funded out of.
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