**A note from leadership**

Dear NCSA staff,

As the Business Office Budget Committee (BC) prepares for the FY25 budget planning cycle, we’d like to reach out to announce this process to you, as well as share an overview of what to expect in the coming weeks. Effective budget planning ensures our Center’s success, growth and ongoing fiscal responsibility. It empowers our Center’s vision, mission and purpose, allowing us to plan activities that realize our goals and request the appropriate resources to support those efforts. By investing in people, processes and technologies, we can build partnerships that complement our strengths and thrive in a changing funding environment.

As in prior years, the building blocks for our success are transparency, fiscal responsibility and data-driven decision-making. With our partnership, we are poised to bring a more cohesive and strategic approach to our budgeting process, as our combined expertise in operational management and strategic planning will ensure that our budget aligns perfectly with our Center's goals and the dynamic landscape of our work. We ask that teams prioritize their most strategic, mission-critical and time-sensitive initiatives when planning.

Over the coming weeks, you’ll hear more from the Budget Committee about the details of this process, including training resources to support you as you complete your budget planning. We encourage you all to assist with their efforts and provide information in a timely manner. While the guiding principles established in previous budget cycles will remain the same, there may be some changes this year that staff will need to take note of and implement.

Thank you for your partnership and contributions to this critical effort. NCSA thrives when we all work together in harmony.

John Towns, Deputy Director

Theo Long, Director of NCSA Operations

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