Work Completed

  • Helped add details to the Data Catalog API, added an image of what we expect the UIRegistry will look like for the import/export options. Also added text to describe what the ModelDescription, PhysicalModel and LogicalModels will look like and how we can utilize a lot of the Tupelo Bean API. I also discussed several parts of the Data Catalog API with Shawn to better understand how he envisioned the various parts working together.
  • As part of the above, I did some digging around to learn more about both the Tupelo Bean API and the usage of Java Beans.  I went through the tutorial on the tupelo page and read through the Java Beans tutorial on Sun's website.

Work Planned

  • Assist Shawn in fleshing out the details of the new Data Catalog API
  • Learn more about the Tupelo Bean API


This week went as planned. Next week I will be helping Jong put together a TRANSIM proposal.