Work Completed

  • Created an extension point for the UI wizard pages for setting up a context (e.g. an H2 context) so that as new context types become available in tupelo, we can create a setup page appropriate for that context to initialize it (if it makes sense).  This work was tracked as Bard-5, which had been partially completed for a while.  I added the extension point to make this a cleaner implementation than manually adding wizard pages.
  • Bard-56 - Looked into Eclipse property testers, which can be used to test conditions for manipulating menus.  In the RDF page view, the navigating forward and backward arrows were always visible, regardless of whether navigating forward/backwards was possible.  The property testers check whether it is possible to navigate either direction and makes a suggestion that the menu button should be updated.
  • Bard-87 (ttp:// - numerous UI components lacked any unit testing.  This was addressed and several bugs were found and fixed.  The tupelo shapefile adapter for directly reading shapefiles did not implement all constructors that the other shapefile adapters had and this was addressed with unit tests (red/green/refactor) and was tracked as Bard-82 (ttp://  ApplicationContextModelFactory test was created to test creating context models.  PredicateImageServiceTest was created to test obtaining predicate images.  A bug was found in the class and fixed.  HistoryTest was created to test navigating forward/backwards under various conditions. ContextPageSetupTest was created to test the aforementioned extension point for creating pages associated with creating new contexts.
  • Read through the wiki pages shawn is creating/editing for the data catalog view
  • Attended 2pm CET meeting via google voice chat.

Work Planned

  • Bard-5 - UI for creating new contexts (e.g. new H2 Context, new Simple File Context)
  • Bard-56 Investigate PropertyTesters and use to determine when menus are available
  • Bard-87 (ttp:// several UI features lack unit tests
  • Bard-82 (ttp:// - table adapter for shapefiles
  • Looked over the data catalog wiki pages that Shawn is working on.


This week went as planned.