Work Completed

  • Attended CET Staff Meeting
  • Downloaded JMock 2.5.1 and added it to an eclipse plugin.
  • Started working with some code that uses JUnit and JMock to learn more about using JMock for the Data Catalog testing framework. I also started a blog entry that gives an introduction to JUnit and JMock and I will add more text next week along with a complete example so others can learn from what I have done and so I can capture lessons learned as I use JMock.
  • Started setting up some test classes to begin building the Data Catalog so that unit tests become an integral part of the development of the Data Catalog and not something that happens after classes are designed. This will also allow the unit tests to evolve with the class.

Work Planned

  • Monday - Holiday
  • Attend CET Staff Meeting Thursday, 3 - 4pm
  • Take a closer look at JMock for unit testing the new Data Catalog. I will be writing a blog entry about what I learn along with a complete example of using JMock for unit testing with Eclipse.
  • Start setting up unit testing framework for the new Data Catalog


This week went as planned. I expect to continue learning more about JMock and JUnit next week and adding more text to my blog entry.  Also, we will find out whether we have been invited for a full TRANSIMS proposal this week so I might be writing more text for the proposal towards the end of the week.