Full access to the Datalake offers all stored COVID-19 Datalake data while allowing the researcher to use whatever analysis framework they so choose with their own compute resources. This level offers the fastest startup time while ensuring access to all data. Once you learn how to query data in C3, that data can be streamed to your compute resources where you can use your language and tools of choice.



Getting Started

Please see the DTI Readiness checklist. If you pass the checklist, you're ready to start learning!

Necessary Resources/Training:

If your research belongs in this category, reading and understanding the necessary training below is enough to get started.

Optional Resources/Training:

Example Workflows

Challenge Problems

This set of problems exercises the concepts defined under the 'Level 2' header. You should be able to solve these problems by fetching types, executing existing Metrics, creating new Metrics, and may require processing outside of the C3 platform for instance, to produce plots.