Work Completed

  • MAEviz Integration build has returned to normal and is upgrade to Eclipse 3.5. I also started removing old Eclipse classes that have been deprecated and upgrading to the newer ones. I'm also deprecating old classes in MAEviz that are no longer used to remove old deprecation warnings. I've been testing MAEviz as I make some of these changes to ensure that the build is still working properly.
  • Emailed Lisa Cleveland,Can Unen, and Jong Lee to answer a question Lisa sent to them about the inclusion of liquefaction in the pipeline analysis and some numbers that seemed strange to her and Amr. Based on the science being used (hazus methodology), the results looked ok and Can agreed.
  • Talked with Jong and Shawn about adding some more wiki documentation about getting started with MAEviz using your own data. We think this will be useful for obtaining funding from sources such as KISTI that might have questions about the requirements of working on a project with us. I will continue drafting what that wiki should look like next week and start adding documentation.
  • Attended Friday CET Staff Meeting

Work Planned

  • Continue working on the Eclipse upgrade for MAEviz
  • Remove old deprecated Eclipse classes that are being used by MAEviz
  • Attend CET Staff Meeting


This week went as planned.