Work Completed

  • KISTI Project
    1. Created a storyboard using Wireframe Sketcher for the KISTI project. The storyboard included screenshots and text detailing some potential User Interfaces and text describing their functionality.
    2. Received preliminary feedback from Al Rossi regarding storyboard
    3. Jong and I will try to meet with Al and possibly Luigi and/or Rob this week to discuss data management issues when running jobs on the supercomputers and how we can utilize tupelo to begin transitioning some of the PTPFlow stuff to use Tupelo, where it makes sense with the final goal of having the KISTI project use as much from Tupelo as we can provide to enhance their experience and capabilities.
  • MarketMaker - Met with Jong and Luigi using Google chat and Dimdim to discuss the MarketMaker plan to move forward.

Work Planned

  • Work on KISTI project, develop some new UI concepts based on experiences with PTPFlow, MAEviz and discussions with Jong on how we expect users to work with the new software.


This week I was focused on creating a storyboard for the KISTI project so we can solicit feedback from Al Rossi and KISTI. Next week I will continue to focus on KISTI and Marketmaker splitting my time as Jong requires it.