Work Completed

  • Finished MM-35, displaying multiple census tract information in an attribute table and a summary table (e.g. attribute min, max, avg, etc). This also involved MM-46, displaying information using a table and tablemodel to handler table operations and MM-43, getting feature information from the vector data on the geoserver instead of the wms layer.
  • Fixed MM-49, a bug where the popup window no longer displayed when clicking on a business. This also involved fixing MM-50 where a new layer was created when a new business query was used to generate display results. The SelectFeature class which handles selection in OpenLayers no longer had an reference to the current business feature layer.
  • Fixed MM-51, a bug where the selection point was larger than the point being selected (mismatched radius of the circles).
  • Fixed MM-53, the business layer control in the layer control panel did not control the visibility of the correct layer. This was caused by the index of the layer being incorrectly specified when creating the control.
  • Finished MM-54, selecting a row in the attribute table should highlight the corresponding census tract in the map. This also involved MM-42, Event Bus design. We can simplify event handling by using GWT event bus. I discussed briefly with Jong and Luigi using google chat about Luigi's implementation versus what I had done to make sure that our usage of the event bus was correct and he agree with our implementation. I also requested from Rob to have read access to MMDB so I could get an idea of how they were using the Event Bus in the MMDB project.
  • I started looking briefly at dynamically resizing the map to fill the browser window space MM-56. I'm not certain if we should try to dynamically adjust the map to the window since a view that is too small is not very useful so perhaps we should consider determining the client viewing area and grab some percentage of that space and make that the size of the map widget. I will discuss this issue with Jong.
  • Received access to KISTI supercomputing account for the KISTI project

Work Planned


This week went as planned.