Microsoft provides a generous (but limited) annual gift of Azure credits to help support DTI-sponsored research.

If you're interesting in using Azure resources for a current DTI project, please contact the DTI team at

Private data

Microsoft Azure infrastructure can support your program of compliant stewardship of data in most scenarios. If your data requires special attention, please let us know when asking for Azure resources.

When you're logged in to the Azure portal, ensure that you've selected the appropriate Account and Directory for your Subscription. You can set these by clicking on your personal identifier in the upper right of the portal:


Azure Portal dashboards are called "Blades." Here are links to the Azure Portal and to some Blades that may help you manage your Azure use:

  • Azure Portal
  • Resource Groups Blade
    • View and manage your deployed Resources by Resource Group.
  • Subscriptions Blade
    • Ensure that all of your Subscriptions are shown by deselecting the box "Show only subscriptions selected in the global subscriptions filter":
    • After selecting your DTI subscription, you may find the following Blades useful:
      • Activity log
        • Browse and filter all Activity under your Subscription.
        • Note that the default view shows history from only the last six hours; change this selection to see older activity.
      • Access control (IAM)
        • Grant fine-grained access to your Azure Subscription and Resources to other team members.
      • Resources
        • Browse, filter and manage your deployed Azure Resources.
      • Usage + quotas
        • View your current service instance count usage, your current service instance type quotas, and request quota increases.
        • Note: Plan ahead, it may take several days for your quota increase request to be approved.
  • Monitor Blade
    • Utilities for evaluating your Azure use.
    • Metrics Blade
      • Plot resource use over time.

Research Team Users

If you are one of your research group's Azure coordinators, you can grant fine-grained access to your Azure Subscription and Resources to other research group members via the Access control (IAM) options in the Subscriptions Blade for your subscription.

Spend Management

For DTI research groups with an Azure sponsorship, your team's designated Azure managers can see your sponsorship's assigned credit and credit consumed via this link once you are signed in to your Azure context. All team members can access interactive spend report plots here.

The DTI team can can access (modestly) more-detailed daily reporting by Azure resource category. Please contact for assistance with spend management.

Azure Training

Details to come. Please contact for assistance.

The Azure Model

Azure Virtual Machines

Please see this separate wiki page dedicated to Azure Virtual Machine use: Azure Virtual Machines.

Managing Azure Resources

There are three distinct ways to manage (create, destroy, inspect, modify) your Azure resources:

Azure Web Portal

You can manage Azure resources via the Azure Web portal:

The Web portal provides a point-and-click GUI that offers quick and easy access. Note that other resource management methods (whether used alone or in combination with Web portal use) can provide better reproducibility, flexibility, and higher efficiency, particularly for complex and larger-scale deployments.

Command Line

There are several ways to engage Azure via the command line. Documentation for access, installation and use is available here.

Note that you can install and run the Azure command line tool on a local machine or access it in a Web browser via Azure Cloud Shell. Cloud Shell also offers additional, complementary features.


You can develop an application to interact with Azure to manage resources on your behalf via HTTP operations with Azure API service endpoints. More information is available in this documentation.

Note that applications require configuration of an authentication token that represents appropriate role-based permissions. See documentation above or contact the DTI team at

Spend management

You can access interactive spend report plots here.

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