The bold main org code for a program office is to be used for all other sources of non-grant funds (i.e. Gifts, State, ICR etc.) The multiple grant org codes were created to identify the ICR return to NCSA by the program office.  It was determined that leadership wanted to understand the return on investment for program offices therefore multiple org codes were needed to keep track of program office ROI.

NCSA Org Codes:

NCSA main org

  • DO NOT use for grant funds.

  If used for grant funds, this will result in no ICR return for NCSA or the PI. 

  • Was the default for all grants, but should not be used past FY24.
320001NCSA-TRECCTerminated 2015
320003IACATFaculty Fellows
320004eDREAMeDREAM Institute Digital Research & Education - Arts Media
320005CHASSInstitute for CHASS
320006NCSA Multi-Disciplinary

Submitting a grant through NCSA and working with other units on campus.  

ICR distribution is Other units College 45% / NCSA 28%

320007NCSA Individual

Employee of NCSA such as John Towns/Bill Kramer/Colleen Bushel      

ICR distribution NCSA 45%/55% Campus                

320008NCSA Exception

Example Blue Waters, LSST, XSEDE

ICR distribution as follows NCSA 28%/Campus 72%

320009CDACenter for Digital Ag - main initiative
320010CDA Multi-Disciplinary

Submitting a grant through NCSA and working with other units on campus.                         

ICR distribution is Other units College 45% / NCSA 28%


CDA Individual

  • Please ask the BO Director before using.

Employee of NCSA John Towns/Bill Kramer/Colleen Bushel. 

ICR distribution NCSA 45% / 55% campus


CDA Exception

  • Please ask the BO Director before using.

Example Blue Waters, LSST, XSEDE 

ICR distribution as follows NCSA 28% / Campus 72%

320013CAICenter for Artificial Intelligence - main initiative
320014CAI Multi-Disciplinary

Submitting a grant through NCSA HIP and working with other campus units.                                                                            

ICR distribution is Other units College 45% / NCSA 28%

320015CAI Individual

Employee of NCSA CAI Eliu H. etc.                                                                                                    

ICR distribution NCSA 45% / 55% campus

320016CAI Exception

Example Blue Waters, LSST, XSEDE                                                                                                

ICR distribution as follows NCSA 28%/Campus 72%

320017HIPOHealth Innovations Program Office
320018HIPO Multi-Disciplinary

Submitting a grant through NCSA HIP and working with other campus units.                    

ICR distribution is Other units College 45% / NCSA 28%

320019HIPO Individual

Employee of NCSA HIP Colleen Bushell                                                                                            

ICR distribution NCSA 45% / 55% campus 

320020HIPO Exception

Example Blue Waters, LSST, XSEDE                                                                                                       

ICR distribution as follows NCSA 28% / Campus 72%

320021CAPSCenter for Astro Physical Surveys
320022CAPS Multi-Disciplinary

Submitting a grant through NCSA CAPS and working with other campus units.                     

ICR distribution is Other units College 45% / NCSA 28%

320023CAPS Individual

Employee of NCSA CAPS Joaquin.                                                                                                       

ICR distribution NCSA 45% / 55% campus

320024CAPS Exception

Example Blue Waters, LSST, XSEDE                                                                                                  

ICR distribution as follows NCSA 28% / Campus 72%

320025NFINew Frontiers Initiative/National Security and Safety Initiatives
320026NFI Multi-Disciplinary

Submitting a grant through NCSA NFI and working with other campus units.                

ICR distribution is Other units College 45% / NCSA 28%

320027NFI Individual

Employee of NFI Bill Kramer/Brett Bode etc.                                                                                     

ICR distribution NCSA 45% / 55% campus 

320028NFI Exception

Example Blue Waters, LSST, XSEDE                                                                                                    

ICR distribution as follows NCSA 28% / Campus 72% Artificial Intelligence Digital Transformation Institute (Thomas Siebel award)- no ICR return on this grant award
320030Illinois ComputesIllinois Computes Campus support of compute and data resources for campus research.
320031VizPoVisualization Program office
320032VizPo Multi-Disciplinary

Submitting a grant through NCSA VizPo and working with other campus units.                

ICR distribution is Other units College 45% / NCSA 28%

320033VizPo Individual

Employee of VizPo                                                                                   

ICR distribution NCSA 45% / 55% campus 

320034VizPo Exception

Example Blue Waters, LSST, XSEDE                                                                                                    

ICR distribution as follows NCSA 28% / Campus 72%

  • No labels