
Spatial database for this project is implemented by using PostgreSQL and PostGISon MS Windows plotform. The reason we chose Windows platform is because we can run performance tests comparing PostgreSQL/PostGIS and MS SQL.


This installation guide is from PostGIS Installation Guide for Windows

  1. Install PostgreSQL 8.4
    1. Note: add a new rule for PostgresSQL service port to windows firewall setting
    2. Create a role for read-only access to db
  2. Install Postgis 1.4.1 via StackBuilder
    1. PostGIS is now included as part of the new PostgreSQL StackBuilder architecture. The latest version can be installed by going to Start -> Programs -> PostgreSQL 8.4 -> Application Stack Builder. Select your PostgreSQL installation from the list and then click "Next". The latest version of PostGIS will appear under the "Spatial Extensions" category (it may not be up quite yet but should be in the next week or so)
  3. Configure DBMS
    1. Note: add a new rule for PostgresSQL service port to windows firewall setting
    2. Create a role for read-only access to db
  4. Uploading Spatial data
    1. Refer to Ch. 4 in PostGIS documentation
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