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How should I handle positions that are dependent on the acceptance of a submitted proposal?

TBD positions should be added to the budget request. This year there is the option to show how many months the position will be here for.  So, if the award is anticipated later then the budget can be adjusted to reflect that. For awards that have not yet been submitted, or come up through the year, that budget will be addressed as needed.

What level of confidence should you have when entering a TBD?  Does this include speculative requests? 

This is the time to request new positions or vacant positions however those conversations should be going on with your next level manager and AD so that the budget process is not the first time you are discussing the position need. 

How do we differentiate a TBD for which we have identified funding vs. a TBD that is a request for funding?  

That is where the maintenance vs growth should be used.  Maintenance will be selected when a TBD was approved for FY22 and growth will be selected for a new request.

If we anticipate hiring multiple people on an HRT, do we list it multiple times?

Yes list the positions on separate lines.

Should promotions and equity increases be entered, even before they happen/are approved?  Should they be listed at maintenance or growth?

Promotion and equity increases should be budgeted for as a lump sum on one line item in the group budget. This line should be discussed in detail with the AD. Note that the approval of the budget for the increase is not the approval that the promotion and equity will be approved. Mark as growth if the promotion line is higher than the prior year for your directorate.  Remember to use two lines if you have maintenance promotion line from last year and the additional request on a growth line this year.

How do we budget for promotion and equity increases for FY23?  

This will be budgeted at the directorate level as a lump sum.  Managers should discuss with their AD’s the anticipated amount needed for staff.  This does not mean that it is approved.

Should this be asked for as a new line for an increased budget or lumped in with the existing line for them? 

This should be shown as a separate line item lumped together for all staff projected to be promoted for FY23 in that directorate.

Should we assume COVID is done and we budget for a full year of travel?

As you budget for travel keep in mind the ever changing landscape of COVID -19. Consider virtual conference options and registration fees in your travel budget.

Should each staff member have a 5% state-ask that is accounted from NCSA?

5% state funding is needed when your staff is paid 100% on grants or 3E funds (self supporting services that charge grants) to allow for those staff to do non grant related activities.  If you have a staff member paid on grant and an MOU no state funds are needed.  Consider when the MOU ends. Ask yourself if the person goes back to 100% grant funded? Then, make sure you add six months 5% allocation for that staff member in the budget request.  

What if they are also paid on other funds like targeted state funds, MOUs, etc.?

MOUs should be thought of like grant projects.  The letter of the law may be met here, but not the spirit.

We hear you. The Budget Guidance is aligned with the guidance from campus and what is required to meet campus guidelines. If you have concerns about this structure and would like NCSA to consider something different I would recommend talking to your AD so that this can be discussed at that level.

Do you require justification even for the 5% and 20% state funded for grant and managers?

Yes please! We want to make sure that everything is filled in and noted, so we can understand what that funding is for, specifically.

The CFOPA section: what is being requested in a new Activity Code, right?  The CFOP will be the same state 1-100023-320000-320001.

Correct, CFOP will remain the same and a new Activity Code will be assigned if needed. 

What are examples of “Office Needs”? 

Thank you for pointing that out. I believe the complete phrase in the Budget Guidance is referring to “Office Furniture Needs” instead of just “Office Needs,” which is managed through the Facilities group.

If there are laptops needed with a cost that goes above what is normally covered by Amber’s group, should this extra amount be included in the Directorate budget request?

  • The process for laptops/desktop requests that go beyond those offered in Section 1.4 will also follow the steps above and the additional steps below: 
    • Laptops/desktops that are above and beyond those offered in the standard options list should be based on the standard options in Section 1.4.  Any specifications that go beyond the standard laptop/desktop options will be included in a quote generated by Desktop Support and will need to be covered by another funding source (CFOPA).  The appropriate PI ICR, Admin Allowance, Gift, or Directorate Discretionary ICR will need to cover the overage costs.

Are changes to the budget allowed after it is approved? For instance, if a staff member is allocated at 10% but later is no longer completing the work, can the funds be used for another employee, or should it be returned to the center as unused funds?

Changes to the approved budget will be part of the quarterly budget review process.  If additional budget is needed, please reach out to your AD, in writing, to document the request. 


Are the formulas locked in this spreadsheet to prevent accidental breakage?

Yes! You should only have access to the grey cells in the template.

Is it possible to leave multi-year contracts on the form and put zero when there is no spend for that year?

Yes we will do our best to copy this type of information over.  However the manager should do a cross check as well to make sure all information is copied over as expected.  

A staff member left earlier this year and no longer has an appointment with NCSA. How should I input this position in the budget? 

For staff who have left, please mark “Expected Months Allocated” as 0.0,”Proposed SSFYXX” as 0%, and “Staffing Status” and “Maintenance or Growth'' should be blank.  Do not delete the entry. The line item should be left  in so that the amount that was approved last year contributes to the calculation of what your total FY22 budget would have been.

One of the salaries listed in the budget is incorrect.  What’s the best way for me to fix that?  

If the field does not have a grey background you will need to ask Richelle to make the change.

I had a new hire last FY, who is listed as 0% for SFY22. I’m going to input 5% for the SFY23 budget — Is this considered Maintenance or Growth?  

If no allocation was approved last year then this should be marked as growth If there was allocation approved last year that is when you would mark it as maintenance. If there was a 5% allocation approved last year and it needs to be 10% this year then the person should be listed twice: one line will read 5% maintenance and the other line will read 5% growth.

Can we still access the FY22 budget requests and approvals? There are those new to the role that were not involved last time.

Managers from the prior year should still have access to these sheets. The sheets are locked so no edits can be made just viewing rights.

Can the budget spreadsheet be unlocked so we can start working on it?

The grey cells are unlocked, if you find a sheet where they are not please let Richelle  know.

Budget Process

With regard to projecting for Personnel requests for proposed state salary funding, do we need to account for fringe benefits when projecting state salary coverage?   

The University will cover all the extra costs for a person budgeted on state funds.  So you only account for 100% of the salary and no extra.

With regard to projecting for Personnel requests for proposed state salary funding, if the person is covered by an MOU, do we remove the amount from column F?

No, do not remove the salary amount from Column F.  Notating that they are covered by an MOU is a good idea in the comments and enter 0% requested.

What should be included at the group level and what is center level for professional development?

Strategic travel should be included at the group level for specific travel requests.  This travel budget will roll up to the Directorate level budget. Professional staff development is a pool of center funds that staff apply for by using the staff development tool in MIS.  Mission critical training or travel are paid for using directorate discretionary ICR funding.  Travel may also be paid for using PI ICR or Project ICR, or directorate discretionary budget for strategic travel for the groups

How should working group time be designated? Center/Directorate/Group?

If the working group was approved by the Executive team/DO the time requested for the working group should be marked as a Center Level Activity otherwise it should be marked as a Directorate Level Activity

Some working groups directly impact the projects on which the staff is funded. Is it possible in this situation that the staff continue to be funded for this effort on project funds? (example: Puppet working group that benefits multiple projects) (edited) 

Absolutely! Time should only be requested when it cannot be covered by a fund an employee is already funded on, or exceed the 5% allocation that is already requested for non-project activities

ICI groups seem to have a need to buy things, like cables, etc. Last year these were budgeted at the group level, should this continue?

Yes, and the appropriate category will be the Equipment/System Level and Equipment line for cables.

Where do we budget for small and miscellaneous purchases? We see supplies at the center level, but how are those approved?

The NCSA Facilities team keeps a room full of office supplies for all staff. A special or unique supply need comes out of the discretionary directorate ICR.

Are interview travel and lunches to be scheduled at group, directorate or center level? 

Budgeted for interview travel at the center level based on historical data where HR will manage this budget.  Interview lunches should be paid for from the directorate discretionary funding.

If staff want office items (e.g. standing desk converters), what budget pays for this?How do we request that for staff or are they requesting it for themselves?

The ergonomic office needs, such as Veridesk, are purchased using the directorate discretionary funding.  These requests should be sent through the AD for approval then sent to Tedra using the RTP Request to Purchase tool in MIS for purchase. There are standard choices to pick from so collaborate with Tedra early in the process. 

When considering budget items in the new Continuous Improvement and Innovation Division in ICI, it occurred to us that some of the CDDRs would coordinate with this area, especially if they revolve around improvements/innovations to operations at NCSA.  Should the coordination be budgeted in this activity, or as part of the Division itself?  

This should be included in the CDDR budget.

I don’t see my admin or project manager listed as an employee on the budget sheet.

Office admin time was centralized last year so they are listed under the Admin coordination office. The state time for all Project managers have been listed under the PMCO in admin directorate budget. You see some project management time under other sheets because the request for state funding is over what the 5% will cover (coordination with the PMCO)

Will project managers be in the personnel sheets for the projects they are working on this year? Last year they were not.

It depends on where that Project Manager is listed in the org chart. If they are organizationally under your group/division they will be listed in your sheet. If they are listed under the PCO for line management they will be in the PCO. the last exception is if the person is line managed under the PCO but paid off the account you have, you will see them in your sheet, but they will appear in the plain black text instead of the bold blue

Can students/fellowships be paid on ICR account?

Yes student fellowships can be paid for from PI ICR funds.

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