Versions Compared


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Partition NamePriorityMax WalltimeNodes
Min-Max CPUs
Per Node Allowed
Min-Max Mem
Per Node Allowed
Local ScratchDescription
gpu-debughigh4 hrs112-14418-144 GB4nonedesigned to access 1 node to run debug job.
gpux1normal72 hrs112-3618-54 GB1nonedesigned to access 1 GPU on 1 node to run sequential and/or parallel job.
gpux2normal72 hrs124-7236-108 GB2nonedesigned to access 2 GPUs on 1 node to run sequential and/or parallel job.
gpux3normal72 hrs136-10854-162 GB3nonedesigned to access 3 GPUs on 1 node to run sequential and/or parallel job.
gpux4normal72 hrs148-14472-216 GB4nonedesigned to access 4 GPUs on 1 node to run sequential and/or parallel job.
cpunormal72 hrs196-96144-144 GB0nonedesigned to access 96 CPUs on 1 node to run sequential and/or parallel job.
gpux8low72 hrs248-14472-216 GB8nonedesigned to access 8 GPUs on 2 nodes to run sequential and/or parallel job.
gpux12low72 hrs348-14472-216 GB12nonedesigned to access 12 GPUs on 3 nodes to run sequential and/or parallel job.
gpux16low72 hrs448-14472-216 GB16nonedesigned to access 16 GPUs on 4 nodes to run sequential and/or parallel job.

HAL Wrapper Suite Example Job Scripts

New users should check the example job scripts at "/opt/samples/runscripts" and request adequate resources.

Script Name

Job Type





run_gpux1_12cpu_24hrs.shinteractivegpux124 hrs112118 GBsubmit interactive job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 12x CPU 1x GPU task in "gpux1" partition.
run_gpux2_24cpu_24hrs.shinteractivegpux224 hrs124236 GBsubmit interactive job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 24x CPU 2x GPU task in "gpux2" partition.
sub_gpux1_12cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux124 hrs112118 GBsubmit batch job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 12x CPU 1x GPU task in "gpux1" partition.
sub_gpux2_24cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux224 hrs124236 GBsubmit batch job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 24x CPU 2x GPU task in "gpux2" partition.
sub_gpux4_48cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux424 hrs148472 GBsubmit batch job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 48x CPU 4x GPU task in "gpux4" partition.
sub_gpux8_96cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux824 hrs2968144 GBsubmit batch job, 2x node for 24 hours w/ 96x CPU 8x GPU task in "gpux8" partition.
sub_gpux16_192cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux1624 hrs419216288 GBsubmit batch job, 4x node for 24 hours w/ 192x CPU 16x GPU task in "gpux16" partition.

Native SLURM style

Submit Interactive Job with "srun"
