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Submitting Grid Job at TeraGrid

Creating Grid Proxy


Code Block
$ grid-proxy-init
Your identity: [your cert info]
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy .................................................................................................. Done
Your proxy is valid until: Wed Apr  7 04:10:14 2010


Code Block
$ grid-proxy-info
subject  : [subject info]
issuer   : [issuer info]
identity : [identity info]
type     : Proxy draft (pre-RFC) compliant impersonation proxy
strength : 512 bits
path     : /tmp/x509up_u699
timeleft : 17:55:43

How to submit a job for 2D, 3D Solver (CFD)

An example for 2D solver

Creating a RSL file (script for job)
Code Block
$ cat 2d_comp.gt2.rsl
(directory=[Home directory]/JOB/test040710)
(executable=[Home directory]/2D_Comp-2.0/2D_Comp-2.0)
(arguments= -mesh eAIRS_naca15.msh -param endowed.inp )

The directory specified in the above script is where the input files can be found and where the output files will be created. So, for script to run, you will need to create a directory called JOB and test040710 and put the files eAIRS_naca15.msh and endowed.inp into the test040710 directory since those are the files we specified as arguments for the CFD code. One final note, the cat command only works if you already have a file called 2d_comp_gt2.rsl, otherwise you will need to create this file in your favorite editor (e.g. vi, emacs, etc).

Code Block
$ cat 2d_incomp.gt2.rsl
(directory=[Home directory]/JOB/test_2d_incomp)
(executable=[Home directory]/2D_Incomp-2.0/2D_Incomp-2.0)
(arguments= -mesh eAIRS_naca15.msh -param endowed.inp )
Submitting the job

For abe, for resource

Code Block
$ globusrun -r -f 2d_comp.gt2.rsl
Code Block
$ globusrun -r -f 2d_incomp.gt2.rsl

[Not working] An example for 3D Solver (MPI code) with Globus Toolkit

Creating a RSL file (script for job)
  • cat 3d.rsl.xml
    Code Block
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <ns2:job xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="urn:abc" xmlns:ns6="urn:def">
    <ns2:executable>[Home directory]/eAIRS_3DP_Wing2.0/eAIRS_3DP_Wing2</ns2:executable>
        <ns2:directory>[Home directory]/JOB/test_3d</ns2:directory>
  • For the MPI job, jobType must be mpi
  • count is the number of processors (in the example, it uses 4 processors)
Submitting the job
Code Block
globusrun-ws  -submit  -b  -F -Ft SGE -f 3d.rsl.xml

An example for 3D Solver (MPI code) with SGE (qsub) at Ranger

Creating a Job Script
  • $ cat jong_mpi.qsub
    Code Block
    #$ -N e-AIRS_3D_Wing_2.0
    #$ -cwd
    #$ -j y
    #$ -S /bin/bash
    #$ -V
    #$ -l h_rt=01:30:00
    #$ -q normal
    #$ -pe 16way 64
    #$ -o 3D_Wing2.out
    #$ -e 3D_Wing2.err
    echo "Got $NSLOTS processors."
    /opt/apps/pgi7_2/mvapich/1.0.1/bin/mpirun \
          -np $NSLOTS \
          -machinefile /share/home/01415/jonglee/eAIRS_3DP_Wing2.0/machines \
          /share/home/01415/jonglee/eAIRS_3DP_Wing2.0/eAIRS_3DP_Wing2.0 -mesh eAIRS_RectangWing_P.msh
  • $ Another version by using ibrun
    Code Block
    titlejong_mpi.qsub v2
    #$ -N e-AIRS_3D_Wing_2.0
    #$ -cwd
    #$ -j y
    #$ -S /bin/bash
    #$ -V
    #$ -l h_rt=01:30:00
    #$ -q normal
    #$ -pe 16way 64
    #$ -o 3D_Wing2.out
    #$ -e 3D_Wing2.err
    echo "Got $NSLOTS processors."
    ibrun /share/home/01415/jonglee/eAIRS_3DP_Wing2.0/eAIRS_3DP_Wing2.0 -mesh eAIRS_RectangWing_P.msh
Submitting the job
Code Block
$ qsub jong_mpi.qsub