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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

The gprof and gcov tools can be used with synchronized projects as well as local projects.  These steps describe using the shallow project in synchronized form at

The latest Eclipse Juno has a couple gotchas to watch for:

  • switch to the System Monitoring perspective and start the monitor for the machine you'll use before attempting to submit a job with Run Configurations, failure to start the monitor may cause the job submit to error out
  • for gcov and gprof, the executable file has to be selected each time you open a .gcno or gmon.* file (this seems to be unique to the synchronized project usage)

The contents of $HOME/.bash_profile should match up with the settings you choose from Project->Properties->C/C++Build->Environment_Management


Code Block
#PBS -A TG-STA110022S
#PBS -q shared
#PBS -N shallow
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
MPI_ARGS="-np 4"
if [ "-np" == "${MPI_ARGS}" ] ; then

module unload mvapich2
module unload pgi
module load gnu/4.6.1
module load openmpi

cd $HOME/shallow

if [ -n "${COMMAND}" ] ; then

Then run the program.

The gmon_shallow.* files can be combined to a summary file with: gprof -s shallow gmon_shallow* .  You can also rename a gmon_shallow.NNNNN file to gmon.out to compare the gprof data for one rank with the gmon.sum summary (try to avoid the first PID which is rank zero because it's not as interesting as the others ) .

gcov is not supported at -O3 opt. level

Interesting areas that seem to recur in the timing profile are:

  • near calc.c: 49
  • near tstep.f90: 73