Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Minimize the required input options.
  • Consistent with the original "slurm" run-script format.
  • Submits job to suitable partition based on the number of GPUs needed.


  • swrun -p <partition_name> -c <cpu_per_gpu> -t <walltime>
    • <partition_name> (required) : cpu, gpux1, gpux2, gpux3, gpux4, gpux8, gpux12, gpux16.
    • <cpu_per_gpu> (optional) : 12 cpus (default), range from 12 cpus to 36 cpus.
    • <walltime> (optional) : 24 hours (default), range from 1 hour to 72 hours.
    • example: swrun -q gpux4 -c 36 -t 72 (request a full node: 1x node, x4 node, 144x cpus, 72x hours)
  • swbatch <run_script>
    • <run_script> (required) : same as original slurm batch.
    • <job_name> (required) : job name.
    • <output_file> (required) : output file name.
    • <error_file> (required) : error file name.
    • <partition_name> (required) : cpu, gpux1, gpux2, gpux3, gpux4, gpux8, gpux12, gpux16.
    • <cpu_per_gpu> (optional) : 12 cpus (default), range from 12 cpus to 36 cpus.
    • <walltime> (optional) : 24 hours (default), range from 1 hour to 72 hours.
    • example: swbatch

      Code Block
      #SBATCH --job-name="demo"
      #SBATCH --output="demo.%j.%N.out"
      #SBATCH --error="demo.%j.%N.err"
      #SBATCH --partition=gpux1
      srun hostname


New users should check the example job scripts at "/opt/samples/runscripts" and request adequate resources.

Script Name

Job Type





run_gpux1_12cpu_24hrs.shinteractivegpux124 hrs112118 GBsubmit interactive job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 12x CPU 1x GPU task in "gpux1" partition.
run_gpux2_24cpu_24hrs.shinteractivegpux224 hrs124236 GBsubmit interactive job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 24x CPU 2x GPU task in "gpux2" partition.
sub_gpux1_12cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux124 hrs112118 GBsubmit batch job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 12x CPU 1x GPU task in "gpux1" partition.
sub_gpux2_24cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux224 hrs124236 GBsubmit batch job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 24x CPU 2x GPU task in "gpux2" partition.
sub_gpux4_48cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux424 hrs148472 GBsubmit batch job, 1x node for 24 hours w/ 48x CPU 4x GPU task in "gpux4" partition.
sub_gpux8_96cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux824 hrs2968144 GBsubmit batch job, 2x node for 24 hours w/ 96x CPU 8x GPU task in "gpux8" partition.
sub_gpux16_192cpu_24hrs.sbbatchgpux1624 hrs419216288 GBsubmit batch job, 4x node for 24 hours w/ 192x CPU 16x GPU task in "gpux16" partition.

Native SLURM style

Submit Interactive Job with "srun"
