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Installed modules

Module NameVersionDescription
cmake/3.15.3CMake is an extensible, open-source system that manages the build process in a compiler-independent manner.

CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model developed by NVIDIA for general computing on graphical processing units (GPUs).


PowerAI is an enterprise software distribution that combines popular open source deep learning frameworks, efficient AI development tools, and accelerated IBM Power Systems servers. (Python2 version)IBM Advance Toolchain for Linux on Power is a set of open source compilers, runtime libraries, and development tools which allows users to take advantage of IBM’s latest POWER hardware features on Linux.


PowerAI is an enterprise software distribution that combines popular open source deep learning frameworks, efficient AI development tools, and accelerated IBM Power Systems servers. (Python3 version)


IBM Advance Toolchain for Linux on Power is a set of open source compilers, runtime libraries, and development tools which allows users to take advantage of IBM’s latest POWER hardware features on Linux.


IBM XL C/C++/Fortran for Linux is an industry standards-based programming tool used to develop large and complex applications in the C/C++ and Fortran programming languages.

pgi/2019.10The PGI Community Edition is a no-cost license to a recent release of the PGI Fortran, C and C++ compilers and tools for multicore CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs, including all OpenACC, OpenMP and CUDA Fortran features.

Open MPI project is an open-source Message Passing Interface implementation. (binding with red hat native gcc-4.8.5)

openmpi/4.0.0-at- MPI project is an open-source Message Passing Interface implementation. (binding with IBM advance-toolchain-12.0)
singularity/3.5.3Singularity is a container platform. It allows you to create and run containers that package up pieces of software in a way that is portable and reproducible.
spectrum_mpi/10.3-gcc-4.8.5Spectrum MPI is a high-performance, production-quality implementation of Message Passing Interface (MPI). It accelerates application performance in distributed computing environments.
swsuite/0.4The HAL Slurm Wrapper Suite is designed to help users use the HAL system easily and efficiently.
wmlce/1.6.1-py2.7Watson Machine Learning Community Edition (WMLCE) is an enterprise software distribution that combines popular open-source deep learning frameworks, efficient AI development tools, and accelerated IBM Power Systems servers. (Python2 version)
wmlce/1.6.1-py3.6Watson Machine Learning Community Edition (WMLCE) is an enterprise software distribution that combines popular open-source deep learning frameworks, efficient AI development tools, and accelerated IBM Power Systems servers. (Python3 version)
wmlce/1.6.2-py3.7Watson Machine Learning Community Edition (WMLCE) is an enterprise software distribution that combines popular open-source deep learning frameworks, efficient AI development tools, and accelerated IBM Power Systems servers. (Python3 version)
wmlce/1.7.0-py3.7Watson Machine Learning Community Edition (WMLCE) is an enterprise software distribution that combines popular open-source deep learning frameworks, efficient AI development tools, and accelerated IBM Power Systems servers. (Python3 version)

Module management

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