- Confluence - or appropriate wiki / documentation repository (could be GoogleDocs or Box for some teams)
- Work with Shannon Bradley and Rob Kooper Luigi Marini or Kenton McHenry to be added to the right ncsa ldap group for access
- Opensource setup: https://identity.ncsa.illinois.edu/join/K4PY3Q3DVL
Opensource: https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/
NCSA Internal: https://wiki.ncsa.illinois.edu/
- JIRA - or Trello, GihHub Issues, ZenHub etc.
- Opensource credential will provide access to JIRA
- Slack -
- sign-up: go to https://ncsa-at-illinois.slack.com/signup and sign up with your illinois email address
- work with Shannon Bradley to get added to the right channels
- Zoom - https://zoom.us/download
- Zoom - Getting started - https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/96712
- Development IDE and tools: JetBrains Toolbox: https://www.jetbrains.com/toolbox/app/
- Work with team lead/ Rob Kooper for license
- Bitbucket - GitHub, ZenHub, or appropriate repository
- Team Cloud access - Nebula, AWS, GCE, etc