Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Minimize the required input options.
  • Consistent with the original "slurm" run-script format.
  • Submits job to suitable partition based on the number of GPUs needed (number of nodes for CPU partition).


titleRequest only as much as you can make use of

Many applications require some amount of modification to make use of more than one GPUs for computation. Almost all programs require nontrivial optimizations to be able to run efficiently on more than one node (partitions gpux8 and larger). Monitor your usage and avoid occupying resources that you cannot make use of.

  • swrun -p <partition_name> -c <cpu_per_gpu> -t <walltime> -r <reservation_name>
    • <partition_name> (required) : cpun1, cpun2, cpun4, cpun8, gpux1, gpux2, gpux3, gpux4, gpux8, gpux12, gpux16.
    • <cpu_per_gpu> (optional) : 16 cpus (default), range from 16 cpus to 40 cpus.
    • <walltime> (optional) : 24 hours (default), range from 1 hour to 72 hours.
    • <reservation_name> (optional) : reservation name granted to user.
    • example: swrun -p gpux4 -c 40 -t 72 (request a full node: 1x node, x4 gpus, 160x cpus, 72x hours)
    • Using interactive jobs to run long-running scripts is not recommended. If you are going to walk away from your computer while your script is running, consider submitting a batch job. Unattended interactive sessions can remain idle until they run out of walltime and thus block out resources from other users. We will issue warnings when we find resource-heavy idle interactive sessions and repeated offenses may result in revocation of access rights.
  • swbatch <run_script>
    • <run_script> (required) : same as original slurm batch.
    • <job_name> (optional) : job name.
    • <output_file> (optional) : output file name.
    • <error_file> (optional) : error file name.
    • <partition_name> (required) : cpun1, cpun2, cpun4, cpun8, gpux1, gpux2, gpux3, gpux4, gpux8, gpux12, gpux16.
    • <cpu_per_gpu> (optional) : 16 cpus (default), range from 16 cpus to 40 cpus.
    • <walltime> (optional) : 24 hours (default), range from 1 hour to 72 hours.
    • <reservation_name> (optional) : reservation name granted to user.
    • example: swbatch demo.swb

      Code Block
      #SBATCH --job-name="demo"
      #SBATCH --output="demo.%j.%N.out"
      #SBATCH --error="demo.%j.%N.err"
      #SBATCH --partition=gpux1
      srun hostname

  • swqueue
    • example: swqueue
