MLPerf is a set of benchmarks designed to measure the performance of a machine learning model on a target system. Each benchmark measures the wall time to train a model to a target quality metic.

MLPerf is a trademark and is maintained by MLCommons and as such if publishing results of these benchmarks in a public work, use their guidelines.

MLPerf Training (v2.1)

BenchmarkModelDatasetDomain AreaBenchmark Target MetricNCSA NotesNCSA Results (If Available)
Image ClassificationResNetImageNetVision75.90% classificationDoesn't have download and prep steps commited to repo
Image Segmentation3D U-NetKiTS19Vision0.908 Mean DICE scoreHad issues with apptainer conversion
Natural Language ProcessingBERTWikipediaLanguage0.72 Mask-LM accuracy

Object Detection (light-weight)RetinaNetOpenImagesVision34.0% mAP

Object Detection (heavy-weight)Mask R-CNNCOCOVision0.377 Box min AP and 0.339 Mask min AP

RecommendationDLRM1TB ClickthroughCommerce0.8025 AUC

Reinforcement learningMinigoGOResearch50% win rate vs. checkpoint

Speech RecognitionRNN-TLibriSpeechLanguage0.058 Word Error Rate

MLPerf Inference (v2.1)

BenchmarkDatasetModelDomain benchmark representsNCSA NotesNCSA Results (If Available)
Image Classification ImageNet2012ResNet50

Image ClassificationOpenImagesResNext50

Image SegmentationKiTS193D U-Net

Natural Language ProcessingSquad 1.1BERT

RecommendationCriteo TerabyteDLRM

Speech RecognitionOpenSLR LibriSpeech CorpusRNN-T

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