Blog from November, 2019

Lead Security Engineer Chris Clausen gave the November security talk to NCSA staff today. The presentation focused on security tips for travelers, especially those who travel with work devices, or need access NCSA/campus resources while traveling. A PDF copy of the slides is available here.

CSND is working on a page for NCSA staff to share and update this information; it is currently under construction. 

This talk was the our last presentation for 2019. We will resume the quarterly security talks in the spring. Please contact Jeannette Dopheide if you have a suggestion for a future topic.

If you have questions about the presentation or security in general, please contact us at

To learn more about security at NCSA, see our website. To learn more about software development at NCSA, see our Github. And follow us on Twitter at @NCSASecurity.

Illinois graduate student Yuming Wu recently attended the 2019 Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC ’19) and was awarded 3rd place at Cisco's IoT Hackathon. Yuming's award included speaking time to briefly present a summary of her research to the GHC audience and an offer to intern with Cisco's IoT team in 2020. Youming is a Computer Engineering student. Her research is supported through a partnership between NCSA and the Coordinated Science Laboratory's (CSL) Depend Lab. It includes auditing and mitigation of SSH brute-force attacks, and applying machine learning to detect intrusions, such as APTs.