Blog from June, 2019

Members of NCSA's CSND will be attending PEARC19 and presenting four posters during the poster reception. If you are attending PEARC, the session will be held on Tuesday, July 30th from 6:30 - 8:30pm in the Crystal Foyer and Crystal B rooms. Stop by and see what we've been working on.

  • Corey Eichelberger, Approaches to High Resolution Network Telemetry & Analytics with Machine Learning In Support of High Performance Computing

    • This poster describes ongoing efforts at NCSA to gather high resolution (< 10s collection interval) network telemetry data utilizing SNMP and streaming telemetry with machine learning being utilized to analyze and generate alerts on the data being collected.

  • Kapil Agrawal, Automated network provisioning and orchestration for vendor agnostic networks

    • This poster highlights how network engineers can abstract their network infrastructure as a code using a data modeling strategy and use network automation tools to auto provision devices in a vendor agnostic manner.

  • Alex Withers, Jeff Gaynor, Jim Basney and student collaborator You Alex Gao; SciTokens: Demonstrating Capability-Based Access to Remote Scientific Data using HTCondor
    • SciTokens introduces a capabilities-based authorization infrastructure for distributed scientific computing, to help scientists manage their security credentials more reliably and securely. These access tokens convey the specific authorizations needed by the workflows, rather than general-purpose authentication impersonation credentials, to address the risks of scientific workflows running on distributed infrastructure including NSF resources and public clouds. This poster presents SciTokens project updates since PEARC18.
  • Jim Basney, Trusted CI, the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
    • Trusted CI's mission is to provide the NSF community a coherent understanding of cybersecurity's role in producing trustworthy science and the information and know-how required to achieve and maintain effective cybersecurity programs. Trusted CI addresses the challenge for meeting the needs of individual cyberinfrastructure projects through deep engagements, training, and dissemination of experiences. NCSA is part of the Trusted CI team. To learn more about Trusted CI's involvement at PEARC, see their blog post.