Congrats to NCSA's Matias Carrasco Kind on being selected as one of six Trusted CI Open Science Cybersecurity Fellows for 2019!
NCSA's Justin Azoff and Alex Withers are co-authors with Illinois graduate student Phuong M. Cao and other Illinois researchers on a paper presented at this year's USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI). The paper describes CAUDIT, an operational system deployed at NCSA that enables the identification and exclusion of hosts that are vulnerable to SSH brute-force attacks. For more information, see the slides and full paper, the NCSA news item, and the GitHub sources.
Last Thursday Leandro Avila-Diaz gave a talk to NCSA staff about applying practical cybersecurity strategies to protect NCSA's (and the individual's) private data and resources. This talk was the initial launch of a quarterly series focusing on security for a variety of users and experience levels. Slides to the presentation are available on PDF.
To learn more about security at NCSA, see our website. To learn more about software development at NCSA, see our Github. Follow us on Twitter at @NCSASecurity.