The following module changes need to be made in ~/.bash_profile or via the properties->c/c++_build->manage_environment check boxes:

module unload mvapich2
module unload pgi
module load intel
module load mvapich2

Change these lines in the Makefile to use the Intel compilers with trestles:

# gcc compiler:
#LIB = -lgfortran
# intel compiler:
LIB = -lifcore -limf -ldl

In the system-monitoring perspective, add a torque resource manager for  and start it.

The /phase1 filesystem was phased out a few weeks back so the "basic" pbs script will not work with trestles at this time.
For now, import a script into the run configuration "Import PBS Script" option (you'll need to save a file like this to your c/c++ perspective shallow project area):

#PBS -q normal
#PBS -N ptp_job
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=5
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00

cd $HOME/shallow2
COMMAND="mpirun_rsh -np 5 -hostfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} ${MYSCREXE}"

There's an sdm on trestles here, but the interactive job manager to support debugging is not configured for trestles so it's probably no use right now:

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