This is not a project per say, but a collection of projects which use components developed by the SI2 program elements.

The eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) focuses on enhancing the productivity of scientists and engineers by providing them with new and innovative capabilities facilitating scientific discovery while enabling transformational science/engineering and innovative educational programs. 

The Extended Collaboration Support Services within XSEDE, brings the best available knowledge and skills to bear on computational science problems within the XSEDE user community.  ECSS provides extended support in wide range of areas, from performance analysis and petascale optimization techniques to building Science Gateways and workflow systems. A Science Gateway is a community-developed set of tools, applications, and data that are integrated via a portal or a suite of applications, usually in a graphical user interface, that is further customized to meet the needs of a specific community. Gateways enable entire communities of users associated with a common discipline to use national resources through a common interface that is configured for optimal use. Researchers can focus on their scientific goals and less on assembling the cyberinfrastructure they require. Gateways can also foster collaborations and the exchange of ideas among researchers.

Gateways build upon SI2 projects and are potentially a big customers in re-using core software across multiple disciplines. 

For any further questions on the XSEDE gateway program and its relevance to SI2, please contact Suresh Marru (smarru at 

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